Connecticut Recovery Initiative
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CT Job Opportunities

As we come upon the Fourth of July weekend, more than 130 days have passed since the Recovery Act was signed into law. In this time, more than $975 million  in stimulus funds have been committed to projects and initiatives across the state of Connecticut.


Highlights of the past week include:


Recovery Act transportation projects along the Merritt Parkway in Trumbull/Fairfield, and in Enfield got underway;

The Department of Public Health submitted a number of grant applications to enhance infectious disease monitoring, increase laboratory capacity, and improve case management systems;

Connecticut was one of 10 states to receive approval for its plan to further energy conservation measures and increase the utilization of renewable forms of energy; and

The federal Office of Management and Budget released revised guidance for implementing the reporting requirements of the Recovery Act –




National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program (LRP).   
The loan repayment program will be available to a variety of health care professionals. An applicant selected to participate in the NHSC LRP must fulfill his or her service obligation at an approved NHSC community site(s) for a two-year period.  Services sites must be located in Health Professional Shortage Areas and are approved by the NHSC.
JAG Program: CT Local Pass-Through

Grant Application Package is Available for Download

CT Local JAG Application Package


All local governments in Connecticut are eligible for the CT Local JAG Program. To view the eligibility and allocation list, click this link: CT Local JAG Allocation List

Rolling Application Due Dates: July 08, 2009 through August 26, 2009

This interactive map represents federal stimulus dollars being spent by federal, state, and local agencies on projects or programs located in Connecticut's cities and town. Click on the map below to access the interactive mapping.

Link to Mapping






























Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(Recovery Act)

The Recovery Act signed into law by President Obama on
February 17th, 2009 includes measures to modernize our nation's
infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational
opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax
relief, and protect those in greatest need.

In an effort to create job opportunities for Connecticut residents and help the state’s communities and businesses prosper, Governor Rell has taken a number of steps to maximize the effectiveness of the ARRA in Connecticut, including:
Created the CT Recovery Working Group
Established a process to coordinate the activities of state agencies
Initiated efforts to share and receive information from municipal leaders on stimulus activities in their communities.
Formalized procedures and policies for promoting transparency and ensuring accountability

State Plans and Reports

In the days and weeks ahead, state agencies will be developing plans in response to funding opportunities associated with the ARRA.  The plans will be published both here on Connecticut’s Recovery website and in the ARRA section of the relevant agency’s website.

In addition, there are numerous reporting requirements associated with ARRA funding.  Agencies receiving ARRA funding are required to submit periodic and timely reports to the federal agency administering the funding.  These reports are to include information as to how the funding is being used and provide information on the number of jobs retained or created.  These reports will also be found on this website as well as on the agency websites.