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Agency Summary - Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior

Financial Status

Weekly Progress
Source: Agency Financial and Activity Report
as of 2009-07-01
Financial and Activity Report

Report Date: 2009-06-26View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $152,304,580
  • Total Paid Out: $3,976,248
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Reclamation announced funding for three Rural Water projects in the Great Plains Region: Perkins County ($4,437,900), Garrison ($31,800,000), and Lewis and Clark ($56,304,000).
  • Reclamation published the draft environmental assessment for the Boulder Canyon Operation Office Green Building.
  • $41M was transferred and obligated from Interior's CUPCA Office to the Central Utah Water Conservancy District.
  • The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development P.L.102-477 Workforce Training Program received Recovery Act funds transferred from the Department of Labor. $2,250,000 has been obligated in total to 18 tribes across the United States.
  • IA Energy and Economic Development conducted outreach for the Training/Employment Services projects with Haskell Indian Nations Univ., Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Inst., Alaska Job Corps, Salt Lake City Indian Center, and Phoenix Indian Center.
  • NPS posted the pre-solicitation notice to construct the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Fish Hatchery and Waterline for the Elwha River Restoration project (Olympic National Park).
 Major Planned Actions:
  • Execute on over 3300 Recovery Act projects.
  • Over the next 100 days, projects will be started at 107 parks.
    For more information see:
  • Engage thousands of youth in Interior's Recovery Act activities. Interior's newly established Office of Youth in Natural Resources will coordinate present and future youth initiatives. See
  • Reclamation will announce the Title XVI water reclamation and reuse projects that will share in a total of $134.3 million.
  • FWS will post an opportunity for the Texas Chenier Plain Refuge Complex construction project the week ending July 3, 2009.
  • Indian Affairs will continue distribution of Department of Labor Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Supplemental Youth ARRA funds that were transferred to the P.L.102-477 Workforce Training Program.

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