USDA Recovery map - arra_map2.html
United States Department of Agriculture USDA Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Tell  Your  Story

At USDA, we want to know how the economic crisis and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are affecting you.

Where are you seeing our efforts to jumpstart our economy, save and create jobs, and put a down payment on building a stronger America? What's working? What isn't?

We want you to Tell Your Story.

Latest Recovery News
 On June 2, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited the Honey Creek Watershed in Terre Haute, Indiana to announce $144 million in Recovery Act funding for floodplain easements and $42.3 million in funding for Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention projects. Across the country, these projects will help control flooding, reducing long-term federal disaster assistance and safeguarding lives and property from floods. The projects will also improve water quality, increase water supply, decrease soil erosion, and improve fish and wildlife habitat.
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Implementing the Recovery Act at USDA
This map shows the locations of United States Department of Agriculture Projects funded by the American Recovery Act of 2009. These USDA projects create private sector jobs within our communities. View map data.
GEO Special Map
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