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State Sections and Student Chapters

News, Events and Information

State Section Directory

Student Chapter Directory

Related Organizations and Websites


2009 Membership Application
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State Section / Student Chapter Index

Have a meeting, event, or an important piece of news you want posted on AWRA's State Section/Student Chapter home page? Send us an email.

Events & Resources

  • Map Version of AWRA State Sections and Student Chapters
    mapOur thanks to volunteers Brandon Grimm and John Grounds of
    Grounds Anderson, LLC, Houston, TX for providing the map and
    keeping it updated for AWRA

  • National Capital Section Meeting
    January 14, 2008 @ 5:30 pm
    Venue: ICPRB offices in Rockville, MD
    Speaker : Joseph Hoffman, Executive Director of the interstate Commission of the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB)

    The Event Registration Form and a section Membership Form can be found at
  • Wisconsin Section 2009 Annual Meeting
    March 5 - 6, 2009 - Abstracts due December 5th.

    You are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA). The meeting will be held at the Ramada Stevens Point Hotel in Stevens Point, WI on March 5 and 6, 2009.  Our theme this year is "Wisconsin’s Changing Water Resources" with a focus on climate change and water resources.  

    We are planning plenary, oral and poster sessions addressing both surface water and groundwater issues in Wisconsin. We are soliciting posters and presentations related to the theme as well as for general sessions on research related to hydrology, hydrogeology, watershed management, limnology, aquatic toxicology, water chemistry, aquatic ecology, and water policy. Please specify your preference for oral or poster presentation when you submit your abstract. Talks will be scheduled in 20-minute time slots, including 5 minutes for questions. Abstracts are due December 5th. Please see the linked announcement for abstract format and submittal guidelines.  (click to access call for papers.)  Abstracts are to be sent to John Skalbeck (

    This year's meeting will include best student presentations and the distinguished service award.  In addition to presenting at the annual meeting there are a number of ways for you to contribute to section activities.  

    • Nominate someone for the Distinguished Service Award: Send nominations to Dave Hart (
    • Volunteer or nominate someone for the board of directors.  Open positions to be voted on at the annual meeting in 2009 include: President-elect, Vice-president, Treasurer, and Director-at-Large.  Contact President-elect Kevin Masarik ( if you would like to nominate someone.
    • Volunteer to judge student presentations and/or posters.  Contact a director-at-large: Bruce Rheineck ( or Scott Provost (
    • Volunteer to moderate a session.  Contact Vice-President, Bill Selbig (

    We look forward to seeing you at what we're sure will be an exciting meeting!
    Final program and registration materials will be available in January 2009.

    For more information, please contact Chapter President, Dave Hart at 608-262-2307 or, or visit our Wisconsin State Website
  • Louisiana State University Student Chapter Officers
    Dennis Davis, President
    Kristopher Brown, Vice President
    April BryantMason, Secretary
    Ryan Mesmer, Treasurer
    Y. Jun Xu, Faculty Advisor

If you have have a state section event you would like to advertise, please let us know.

Important Information

Is your State Section interested in hosting an AWRA conference? Please check the AWRA Conference Planning Manual for information on how to get started

Services available to State Sections & Student Chapters

No State Section in your State or Student Chapter at your school? Are you intersted in helping to start a Section or Chapter? Check out the links below to get started: