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New Initiative Needed to Improve Early Childhood Math Education

Teaching kids numbers. Photo courtesy flickr user woodleywonderworks. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic.

Jul. 2 -- To ensure that all children enter elementary school with the foundation they need for success, a major national initiative is needed to improve early childhood mathematics education, says a new report from the National Research Council. Opportunities for preschoolers to learn mathematics are currently inadequate, particularly for low-income groups, says the report, which is intended to inform the efforts of Head Start, state-funded preschool programs, and teachers.

Priorities Recommended for Comparative Effectiveness Research

Jun. 30 -- A new report from the Institute of Medicine recommends 100 health topics that should get priority attention and funding from a new federal initiative focused on comparative effectiveness research. It also spells out actions and resources needed to ensure that this effort will be sustained and have a continuous process for updating priorities as needed and that the results will be put into clinical practice.

Academies Staff Build Playground for D.C. Center

Playground built by National Academies staff. Photo by Jose Varela.

Jun. 29 -- Volunteers from the National Academies, KaBoom!, and the D.C. Developing Families Center, which offers care to hundreds of women and their families during pregnancy and early childhood, worked together over the weekend to build a playground at the center in Northeast Washington, D.C. The project, called Science Swings, is part of the National Academies' effort to connect with the local community.

VA, DOD Should Take Stronger Steps Toward Tobacco-Free Military

Burning Cigarette. © flickr user Victor Bezrukov. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic

Jun. 26 -- Because tobacco use impairs military readiness, harms the health of soldiers and veterans, and imposes a substantial financial burden on the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, these agencies should implement a comprehensive strategy to achieve the Defense Department's stated goal of a tobacco-free military, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.

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Science in the Headlines
Breaking stories in science

Dioxins Could Interfere With Lactation

2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

Jul. 2 -- A recent study in the journal Toxicological Sciences reports that exposure of mice to dioxins during pregnancy can affect the development of mammary cells, which under normal conditions proliferate rapidly beginning early in pregnancy. The inhibition of growth has been reported to result in reduced breast-milk production. [more]

Supreme Court Opinion Cites NAS Forensic Science Report

Jun. 26 -- A Supreme Court opinion issued yesterday, which ruled that defendants have a right to cross-examine forensic analysts, cites a National Research Council report on forensic science released in February.  The majority opinion noted the report's findings that the reliability of forensic methods varies widely and that forensic labs -- which are usually under the control of law-enforcement agencies -- may feel pressured to sacrifice appropriate methodology for the sake of expediency. [more]

Marine Habitats Trashed by Litter

Volunteers clean marine debris that's washed up on the shore. Photo courtesy NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Jun. 26 -- The recent search for wreckage from the crash of Air France Flight 447 off the coast of Brazil has highlighted a tragedy of a different sort: marine litter that biodegrades slowly and kills sea turtles, birds, fish, and marine mammals. Marine litter is so abundant that Brazilian authorities sounded a false alarm when they found what they thought was wreckage from the downed plane, when in fact, it was run-of-the-mill garbage. [more]

New Government Report Details Impacts of Climate Change

Hurricane Dolly © flickr user Krikit <3. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic.

Jun. 17 -- The Obama administration released a new report, Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States, which provides detailed information on current and pending impacts of global climate change in the U.S. and says it is important to act now, rather than later, to minimize those impacts. [more]

African Scientists Ask G8+5 To Join Battle Against 'Brain Drain'

African Continent. Photo Courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.

Jun. 11 -- For many decades, some of Africa's most talented and educated citizens have migrated to other parts of the world. It is estimated that approximately one-third of native-born African scientists live and work in developed countries. In a statement issued today to governments attending next month's G8+5 summit in Italy, the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) -- representing 13 science academies across the continent -- calls for a new approach to Africa's "brain drain." [more]

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President Barack Obama President Obama Addresses NAS Annual Meeting

The Research Associateship Programs of the National Research Council are now accepting electronic applications.

Solar System Exploration Decadal Survey, attend July 6 and 7 open sessions.

Review of the Methodology Proposed by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) for Follow-Up Surveillance of In-Commerce Businesses, attend the open session of the July 6 meeting.

Review of the Army's Enhanced Particulate Matter Surveillance Project Report, attend the July 9 public session.

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June 30, 2009:
Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesMolecular recognition and assembly
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