For questions about GMD seminars, contact Irina Petropavlovskikh, Phone: (303) 497-6279 or Ann Thorne, Phone: (303) 497-4600. Visitors from outside the NOAA campus need to contact Irina or Ann at least one day before the seminar date to be added to the visitor's list at the security gate.

*NEW Additional Requirement for Visitors:* Names of all off-site visitors without a U.S. government issued ID badge must be collected and submitted to security in advance of every seminar. Please call Ann Thorne at 303-497-4600 (leave a message including your name) or send an e-mail to Irina Petropavlovskikh by the day before the seminar if you plan to attend.

Speaker: Herman Sievering, U.of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 10:00AM
Location: NOAA David Skaggs Research Center, Room 2A305
Title: Biogenic Matter Influences on SO2 Oxidation and Removal from the Marine Boundary Layer and its Role in Over Ocean CCN Aerosol Characterization


Marine boundary layer (MBL) aerosol measurements have shown that O3-oxidation of SO2 in seasalt aerosols plays an important role in global MBL sulfur cycling and budgets. Field studies at Baring Head, NZ and, recently, at Cape Grim, AU show that biogenic matter from upwind surface waters' primary productivity (PP) not only provides alkalinity to "feed" this seasalt O3-oxidation of SO2 but also produces submicron biogenic-derived aerosols that are active CCN. At Baring Head, substantial upwind PP provided enough alkalinity for O3-oxidation to remove all DMS-derived SO2 back to ocean surface waters. Model estimates of effective SO2 dry deposition velocities (effVd), once accounting for removal in seasalt aerosols, show effVd is 3- to 10-times that of direct SO2 gaseous dry deposition velocities. These large effVd indicate that DMS-derived, submicron non-seasalt sulfate aerosols contribute far less to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the MBL than previously thought.

Cape Grim aerosol sampling took place at 110 m asl (completely removed from local soil and seaspray aerosols) with upwind ocean surface waters' PP at global ocean mean PP levels. Ratios of submicron aerosol excess K+ to excess Ca++ (beyond bulk seawater K+ and Ca++) indicate that 50-500 nm aerosols have very different characteristics when upwind PP is or is not active. During periods of much reduced upwind PP (e.g., winter), fragmented plankton debris dominates the surface waters biogenic matter contribution to these CCN size aerosols. During PP active periods, our ion data suggest several biogenic matter sources produce 50-500 nm aerosols. Electron microscope analysis of Cape Grim aerosols show the large majority of 10-100 nm aerosols to be a mix of fragmented marine organisms coated with highly surface active polymer gels, or gels themselves; thus active CCN. Very few <100 nm seasalt or ammonium sulfate aerosols were found. The biogenic matter aerosol source has important consequences for the concentration and character of CCN in the MBL.

Co-authors: J. Cainey (Cape Grim Baseline Stn., AU), M. Harvey (NIWA, NZ), M. Keywood (CSIRO, AU), C. Leck (Stockholm U.) and R. von Glasow (U. of East Anglia, UK)

Speaker: Dave Hofmann, CIRES, ESRL/GMD
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 03:30PM
Location: Multi-purpose Room (GC-402) David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC)
Title: Increase in Background Stratospheric Aerosol Since 2000: Is it Related to Increased Coal Burning in China?

The stratospheric aerosol layer has been monitored with lidars at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii and Boulder in Colorado since 1975 and 2000, respectively. Following the decay of aerosol related to the Pinatubo volcanic eruption in June 1991, the global stratosphere has not been perturbed by a major volcanic eruption and has provided an excellent opportunity to study the background aerosol free of major volcanic perturbations. Since about 2000, an increase of 4-8 % per year in the aerosol backscatter in the altitude range 20-30 km has been detected at both Mauna Loa and Boulder. This increase is superimposed on a winter seasonal maximum which is modulated by the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in tropical winds. Of the three major causes for a stratospheric aerosol increase: volcanic emissions to the stratosphere, increased tropical upwelling, and an increase in anthropogenic sulfur gas emissions in the troposphere, it appears that a large increase in coal burning since 2002, mainly in China, is the likely source of sulfur dioxide which ultimately ends up as the sulfate aerosol responsible for the increased backscatter from the stratospheric aerosol layer.

Speaker: Robert J. Charlson, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Date/Time: Thursday, June 18, 2009 03:30PM
Location: Multi-purpose Room (GC-402), David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC), NOAA Building, DOC Boulder Campus
Title: Sulfate aerosol effects on climate: The observational pathway to the first estimates of forcing

In the 1960's, development of the integrating nephelometer for atmospheric aerosols made possible the measurement of relationships between mass concentration and the scattering component of optical extinction at visible wavelengths. While the initial application of this device was atmospheric visual range, application to the issue of aerosol effects was undertaken in the 1970's, with the first paper by Bolin and Charlson suggesting a dominant role for anthropogenic sulfates from the atmospheric oxidation of sulfur dioxide. Even though the data needed for a global climate forcing calculation were all available by 1976, the first quantitative global estimates did not result until 1988 (with a model) and 1990 (with observational data). This talk traces the development and many applications of the integrating nephelometer to the point of observationally quantifying the effect of sulfates on light scattering, the wavelength and angular scattering characteristics of the scattered light and the dependence of scattering coefficient on relative humidity. Subsequent melding of the optical data with a simple chemical box model of the atmospheric sulfur cycle then provided the necessary means to scale upward from local measurements to large scale effects. Conclusions will include identifying the needed observational links for connecting the in-situ observational optical and chemical data to the global observations made with satellite-based instruments.