Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP)

The ESSP is a partnership for the integrated study of the Earth System, the ways that it is changing, and the implications for global and regional sustainability.

The urgency of the challenge is great: In the present era, global environmental changes are both accelerating and moving the earth system into a state with no analogue in previous history.  

Click here for ESSP Briefing Paper.

The Earth System is the unified set of physical, chemical, biological and social components, processes and interactions that together determine the state and dynamics of Planet Earth, including its biota and its human occupants.

Earth System Science is the study of the Earth System, with an emphasis on observing, understanding and predicting global environmental changes involving interactions between land, atmosphere, water, ice, biosphere, societies, technologies and economies.  

ESSP Strategy for Integrative Global Environmental Change Research and Outreach

As a result of an independent review (commissioned by the International Council for Science and the International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research), the ESSP has developed a new strategy that will provide an internationally coordinated and holistic approach to Earth system science. The approach - developed by the global environmental change (GEC) research programmes (DIVERSITAS, IGBP, IHDP, WCRP), ESSP Joint Projects (GCP, GECAFSGWSP and GECHH), START and MAIRS - integrates natural and social sciences at the regional to global scale. The strategy paper emphasizes that the mainstay of the ESSP is to identify and define Earth system science challenges, enable integrative research to address these challenges, and build scientific capacity.  

The GEC research community also faces an increasing challenge to present research results in more accessible and informative ways to stakeholders, particularly policy-makers. In response, the ESSP is developing new services that include knowledge products, Earth system science fora, interdisciplinary collaborative research and a synthesis journal with Elsevier (current opinion in environmental sustainability). The journal (edited by Rik Leemans and Anand Patwardhan) will be launched at the DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference in Cape Town, 13 - 16 October 2009.

Coping with global environmental change is an enormous challenge and one the world must respond to successfully. Our common goal, therefore, is to develop the essential knowledge base needed to respond effectively and quickly to the great challenge of GEC.

Click on links to access ESSP strategy paper and an interview with ESSP Chair, Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans to learn more about the new journal on Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

CGIAR Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Challenge Program "Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security" (CCAFS) is a major collaborative endeavour between the CGIAR and their partners, and the ESSP. It is aimed at overcoming the additional threats posed by a changing climate to achieving food security, enhancing livelihoods and improving environmental management in the developing world.

The main objectives are:

  • Overcome critical gaps in knowledge of how to enhance - and manage the tradeoffs between - food security, livelihood and environmental goals in the face of a changing climate.
  • Develop and evaluate options for adapting to a changing climate to inform agricultural development, food security policy and donor investment strategies.
  • Assist farmers, policy makers, researchers and donors to continually monitor, assess and adjust their actions in response to a changing climate.

Click on link to read CCAFS LAUNCH PRESS RELEASE.

The Chairs of the Alliance Executive and the ESSP Scientific Committee are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Thomas Rosswall as Chair of the CCAFS.

CCAFS Report No. 1 which describes the CGIAR Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security is now available.

Vacancy Announcement: Theme Leaders

The Program is now seeking theme leaders.

Get Involved!

GEC researchers are invited to indicate their potential in collaboration with this Challenge Program.

Click here for more details.

World Climate Conference - 3


The World Climate Conference - 3 (WCC-3) convened in Geneva, Switzerland, 31 August - 4 September. WCC - 3 identified the essential elements of a global framework for meeting the future climate information needs of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and laid the foundation for 'better climate information for a better future'.

The WCRP led a session on 'research engagement and the implementation of climate services' in collaboration with partner GEC research programmes (DIVERSITAS, IGBP, IHDP) and their ESSP. See link below (experts segment, section 7.2) to access the session summary.

Planet under Pressure: global changes, regional challenges

The IGBP and Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Symposium on 'Planet under Pressure: global changes, regional challenges' will convene in Stockholm, 24 September. The symposium will highlight recent advances in global environmental change research, focusing on regional challenges at the science-policy interface. Click here for more details.


DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference

The Second DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference on "Biodiversity and Society: understanding connections, adapting to change" will be held from 13 - 16 October 2009 in Cape Town, South Africa

See Conference website ( and flyer for more details.  

Registration is now open: Click here!


GWSP Digital Water Atlas

The Global Water System Project (GWSP) has launched its Digital Water Atlas. The purpose and intent of the Digital Water Atlas is to describe the basic elements of the Global Water System, the interlinkages of the elements and changes in the state of the Global Water System by creating a consistent set of annotated maps. The project will especially promote the collection, analysis and consideration of social science data on the global basis. Click here to access the GWSP Digital Water Atlas.

A Strategy for Global Environmental Change Research in Africa

The African Network for Earth System Science (AfricanNESS) science plan and implementation strategy "A Strategy for Global Environmental Change Research in Africa" has been completed and is now available for download. The plan focuses on four top-level issues: food and nutritional security; water resources; health; and ecosystem integrity. Framed around these issues, the science plan describes a strategy for global environmental change research in Africa that concentrates on eight thematic clusters: rainfall, land cover, livelihoods, cities, diseases and pests, Africa and the earth system, marine, and integrated development. Examples of possible research programs are provided for each of these areas. Finally, the plan outlines a way of implementing and organizing a network of earth system scientists in Africa, and connecting them to scientists around the world. The science plan was developed over a period of three years through the collective efforts of many African scientists, as well as colleagues from outside the African continent. The editors gratefully acknowledge the support from the US National Science Foundation, the South Africa National Research Foundation, IGBP, ESSP, START, and the ICSU Regional Office for Africa. Printed copies of the report are available on request from the IGBP Secretariat.

Click here for electronic version of the report.

Carbon Neutral

The Global Carbon Project has published an ESSP commissioned report, "carbon reductions and offsets" with a number of recommendations for individuals and institutions who want to participate in this voluntary market. Click here to learn more and to download the report from the GCP website.   

The ESSP is a joint initiative of four global environmental change programmes:

DIVERSITAS - the International Programme of Biodiversity Science
IGBP - International Biosphere-Geosphere Programme
IHDP - International Human Dimensions Porgramme on Global Environmental Change
WCRP - World Climate Research Programme