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[PHOTOGRAPH] A sculpture of a stack of books: "Modern Book Printing" [Photograph © Lienhard Schulz, licensed Creative Commons Attribution 2.5; permission for sculpture image use granted by Scholz & Friends Sensai, agency of "Walk of Ideas" per http://bit.ly/5nD5 ] Books to Help Kids Avoid Summer Brain Drain
[1 July 2009]
Ahh, summer. Warm breezes, cool ice cream, the gentle whine of mosquitoes. And the not-so-gentle whine of bored children. For them, AAAS offers a reading list of 10 good science books.
[PHOTOGRAPH] A teacher holding an apple in an outstretched hand Science Teacher Retention: It Takes More Than Money
[30 June 2009]
High school science teachers value control over their lesson plans and prestige in their school districts more than salary increases, according to a survey discussed at AAAS.
[PHOTOGRAPH] A globe made of puzzle pieces Science Diplomacy: International Support
[29 June 2009]
A London meeting hosted by the Royal Society and co-sponsored by AAAS brought S&T leaders from around the world to discuss the promise and challenges of science diplomacy.
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AAAS 2008 Annual Report
The review details a year of significant impact in science policy, education, global engagement, and communication.
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