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What publications does AAAS offer?

AAAS offers a variety of books and reports.


Annual Meeting

Program books from previous AAAS Annual Meetings are available for $30 (AAAS members) and $35 (non-members). Please contact (202) 326-6450 to order.


The Evolution Dialogues: Science, Christianity, and the Quest for Understanding, by Catherine Baker, edited by James B. Miller, 2006. DoSER Order Center ($17.95 plus S/H.)

Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, sponsored by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education in collaboration with the Education and Human Resources Programs of AAAS. To order, e-mail a request to ehr@aaas.org; also available as free download.

Preparing Women and Minorities for the IT Workforce: The Role of Nontraditional Educational Pathways, a report by the AAAS Education and Human Resources Programs, AAAS Science & Policy Programs, and the Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology; 2005. Available as a free dowload.

Standing Our Ground: A Guidebook for STEM Educators in the Post-Michigan Era, by Shirley M. Malcom, Daryl E. Chubin, and Jolene K. Jesse; published by American Association for the Advancement of Science and National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering; October 2004. To order, e-mail a request to ehr@aaas.org; also available as free download.


Science and Technology in Support of US Policy in Central Asia (2003). 48 pages. Hardcopy only. Free. Contact Stella Siegel, (202)326-6658, ssiegel@aaas.org.

AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment (2000). 203 pages. Hardcopy available from University of California Press. Also available as a free website at atlas.aaas.org, and as a CD.

Science & Policy

Behavioral Genetics, by Catherine Baker, 2004. ISBN: 0-87168-697-X. Download from AAAS Scientific Freedom, Responsibility, and Law Program (No Charge). To order multiple copies of the print version contact Mark Frankel ($8; plus $2 S/H).

Consumption, Population, and Sustainability: Perspectives from Science and Religion, edited by Audrey R. Chapman, Rodney L. Petersen and Barbara Smith-Moran, 1999. ISBN # 1-55963-747-1. Order from Barnes & Noble.com ($58.00, plus S/H).

Cosmic Questions, Edited by James B. Miller, 2001. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. ISBN # 1-57331-346-7. Order from NYAS or Barnes & Noble.com ($115.00, plus S/H). Also available in CD-ROM.

Designing Our Descendants: The Promises and Perils of Genetic Modifications, edited by Audrey R. Chapman and Mark S. Frankel, 2003. Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN #0801872316. Order from NYAS or Barnes & Noble.com ($155.00; plus S/H).

An Evolving Dialogue: Scientific, Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives on Evolution, edited by James B. Miller, 1998. DoSER Order Center ($24.95; $19.95, AAAS members; plus S/H).

An Evolving Dialogue: Theological and Scientific Perspectives on Evolution, edited by James. B. Miller, 2001. Trinity Press International, Pennsylvania. ISBN # 1-56338-349-7. Order from Barnes & Noble.com ($32.80, plus S/H).

Neuroscience and the Law: Brain, Mind, and the Scales of Justice, edited by Brent Garland. Produced by AAAS and published by Dana Press; available through the University of Chicago press (see http://www.uchicago.edu; 1-773-702-7000); and Barnes & Noble.comcost $8.95.

Neuroscience and the Law: Brain, Mind, and the Scales of Justice, Summary Report, by Brent Garland. Produced by AAAS and published by Dana Press; available online at http://www.aaas.org/spp/neuroscience.

The Origins and Nature of Sociality, edited by Robert W. Sussman and Audrey R. Chapman, 2004. Walter de Gruyter, New York. ISBN # 0-202-30730-1. Order from Barnes & Noble.com($65.95 hardcover; $32.95 paperback; plus S/H).

Perspectives on Genetic Patenting, edited by Audrey R. Chapman, 1999. DoSER Order Center ($18.95; $15.95, AAAS members; plus S/H).

Unprecedented Choices: Religious Ethics at the Frontiers of Genetic Science, by Audrey R. Chapman, 1999. Fortress Press, Minneapolis. Order from Barnes & Noble.com ISBN # 0-80063-181-1 ($15.40; plus S/H).

Vision 2033: Linking Science and Policy for Tomorrow's World, proceedings celebrating the 30th anniversary of the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Programs, 2005. Click here to order or download.

When Science and Christianity Meet, edited by David C. Lindberg and Ronald L. Numbers, 2003. University of Chicago Press, ISBN #0226482146. Order from Barnes & Noble.com ($20.30; plus S/H)

Reports & Proceedings

Annual Meeting

Program books from past AAAS Annual Meetings are available for $30 (AAAS members) and $35 (non-members). Please contact (202) 326-6450 or aaasmeeting@aaas.org to order.

Project 2061 Panel Reports

Biological & Health Sciences
Physical & Information Sciences and Engineering
Social & Behavioral Sciences

$8.00 each (AAAS members $6.50); 10-49 copies, $4.00 each; 50 or more copies, $3.50 each. Individuals must prepay. For institutional purchase orders, add $3.50 for postage/handling. Please specify item number and allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. For CA, add applicable sales tax; for Canada, add 7% GST.

Five-volume set, $35.00 (AAAS members $30.00); 10-49 sets, $28.00 each; 50-99 sets, $25.50 each; 100 or more, $22.00 each.

To order, contact Project 2061, AAAS, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005; telephone: 1-888-PDP-2061 (1-888-737-2061); FAX: 202-842-5196; e-mail: project2061@aaas.org

Science & Policy Reports

The Future of Science and Technology in the States: This series of reports provides information about federally sponsored R&D activities in selected states and regions of the U.S. Updated state-by-state R&D data are available on the AAAS R&D Website.

How to Fund Science: The Future of Medical Research: A report examining alternative funding mechanisms for medical research.

Regulating Human Cloning

Science and Technology for the Nation: Issues and Priorities for the 106th Congress: This report presents the results of a symposium organized by AAAS in response to the House Science Committee's study, Unlocking Our Future: Toward a New National Science Policy. Taking the study as a framework for discussion, the 150 participants held a series of spirited debates, the outcomes of which have been edited and organized by AAAS staff.

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