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American FactFinder is your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data from Census 2000, the 1990 Decennial Census, the 1997 and 2002 Economic Censuses, the American Community Survey, the Population Estimates Program, and the Annual Survey of Manufactures.

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US Census Bureau
American FactFinder
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Your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data

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Getting Detailed Data

  • Decennial Census - taken every 10 years to collect information about the people and housing of the United States
    learn more  |  get data
    See the Count Question Resolution Program for information on Census 2000 count corrections.
  • American Community Survey - an ongoing survey that provides data about your community every year
    learn more  |  get data
  • Puerto Rico Community Survey - the equivalent of the American Community Survey for Puerto Rico
    learn more  |  get data  |  en español
  • Population Estimates Program - population numbers between censuses
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  • Economic Census - profiles the U.S. economy every 5 years
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  • Annual Economic Surveys - data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures, County Business Patterns and Nonemployer Statistics
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Special Interest

Population Data

Population Finder
Use the Population Finder to view population trends for your community.
U.S. Population Clock
more population clocks »

What's New

2008 Population Estimates are expanded to include the demographic characteristics of age, race, sex and Hispanic Origin. more »

2008 Population Estimates for counties and Puerto Rico municipios are now available from the Data Sets page.

2007 Advanced Report data are now available from the Economic Census Data Sets page.

2007 Island Areas - Northern Mariana Islands data are now available from the Economic Census Data Sets page.

Updates to American FactFinder released
December 9, 2008.  more »

2005-2007 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates are now available for cities, counties and other areas with populations of 20,000 or more from the Data Sets page.

2007 Commodity Flow Survey data are now available from the Economic Census Data Sets page.

2006 Annual Survey of Manufactures has been updated. New data are now available from the Data Sets page.

2006 County Business Patterns Quick Reports and Thematic Maps and ZIP Code Business Patterns data are now available from the Data Sets page.

2006 Nonemployer Statistics data are now available from the Data Sets page.

Census 2000 State Legislative District Summary Files (Sample and 100-Percent) Data from the Census 2000 Summary Files 1 and 3 retabulated using updated State Legislative District boundaries.  more »

Also see the Bureau's latest news releases and The Broadcast Zone.

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