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Census Product Catalog

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1980 Census of Population and Housing: Summary Tape File 2B

Availability: CD-ROM

Product ID: C1-D80-S2BS-06-US1

Subject content: Provides detailed complete-count population and housing characteristics data repeated for race and or Spanish-origin groups. Population items tabulated include age in single years, sex, marital status, household type, and household relationship.

Household items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities.

Geography: States, standard consolidated statistical areas, standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, counties, minor civil division or census county divisions, places of 1,000 or more population, American Indian reservations and their county components, and Alaska Native villages and their county components. NOTE: Does not include Puerto Rico.

File format & Software: Flat ASCII, no software; Files are compressed and can be unzipped using standard unzipping software such as that found at (etc.).

Census contact: Customer Services, 301-763-INFO (4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422, or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center