Census Bureau

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: May 2009 Release


Please be advised that starting in late June 2009, all of our monthly and annual retail trade data will be accessible through one website. For answers to questions about this change and links to similarly designed pages, click here.

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Table of Contents [ News ]

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o Full Publication in HTML

o Full Publication in PDF Adobe PDF

o Publication Text

o Tables in spreadsheet format

o Table 1 - Estimated Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services (adjusted and not adjusted)--Data in millions of dollars

o Table 2 - Percent change in Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services (adjusted and not adjusted)

o Table 3 - Sample design and reliability of data

o Time Series: (Adjusted Sales Data/Seasonal Factors - 1992 to Present)

o Previous Releases: (1953 to Present)

Annual Revision of Monthly Retail and Food Services: Sales and Inventories-- January 1992 through March 2009    

oAdvance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: Scheduled Release Dates for 2008/2009
oAdvance Monthly Retail Sales Release Dates for 1953-2009 in HTML
oAdvance Monthly Retail Sales Release Dates for 1953-2009 in spreadsheet (.xls) format

About the Survey

o Program Overview

o Survey Questionnaires

o Definitions and Summary of Changes

o 2006 Sample Revision Frequently Asked Questions

o Hurricane Katrina FAQ for October 2005 

o Hurricanes Katrina and Rita FAQ for September 2005

o Hurricane Katrina FAQ for August 2005

o Frequently Asked Questions for July 2005

o Frequently Asked Questions for September and October 2001

o Revisions to Monthly Retail Sales and Inventories Series Frequently Asked Questions

o Current Quarter Retail E-Commerce Sales

o E-Stats - 2006 E-commerce Multi-sector Report

o North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Information


Back to Retail Wholesale Home

Related Surveys

oMonthly Retail Trade Survey

oAnnual Retail Trade Survey

oManufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales

oRetail /Wholesale Trade

Source: Retail Indicators Branch, U.S. Census Bureau
Last Revised: June 11, 2009