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Help Topics:

Browsing Collections
Using Search
Viewing Results
Viewing Documents

Browsing Collections

Use the browse option for viewing documents in a collection without specifying search criteria.

To view a different collection, select a collection from the drop-down list and click Go.

Each letter in the image below corresponds to a definition of that element.

Figure 1: Browse collection
Browse Collection

A. Navigation Bar
Navigation for searching, browsing, and working with documents in collections.

B. Collection List
Select a collection to browse and click Go.

C. Page Navigation
If the collection contains more documents than can be displayed on a single page, click the hyperlinked page numbers to view other pages.

D. Previous and Next Page
If the collection contains more documents than can be displayed on a single page, click Next or Previous to view other pages.

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Using Search

Use Search:

  • To limit your search results.
  • To search multiple collections at once.
  • If you have very specific search criteria.

The search options presented differ based on your initial choice to search Full Text, or by Selected Fields. The default selection is to search Full Text.

Search Full Text

When you select Search Full Text, a screen similar to the image below appears. Each letter in the image corresponds to a definition of that element.

Figure 2: Search across all fields
Search Full Text

A. Navigation Bar
Navigation for searching, browsing, and working with documents in collections.

B. Search Mode
Click an option to specify your search preference. Search Full Text, or Selected Fields, within collections. The default mode searches Full Text.

C. Search Boxes
Choose to search for all of the words, the exact phrase, any of the words, or a combination.

D. Search Text Boxes
Type your search terms in the appropriate text boxes.

E. Search
Click Search when you have finished specifying your search criteria.

F. Clear All
Click Clear all to reset all the search fields.

G. Available and Selected Collections
Choose which collections to search by clicking check boxes next to collection names. To remove a collection from your search, uncheck the box.

H. Select All
Select all collections to search across.

I. Clear All
Clear all collections. In order to perform a search, you must have one collection selected.

Search Selected Fields

When you select Search Selected Fields, a screen similar to the image below appears. Each letter in the image corresponds to a definition of that element.

Figure 3: Search selected fields
Search Selected Fields

A. Navigation Bar
Navigation for searching, browsing, and working with documents in collections.

B. Search Mode
Click an option to specify your search preference. Search Full Text, or Selected Fields, within collections. The default mode searches Full Text.

C. Search Boxes
Use the drop-down list to choose from the types of queries available. You may choose to search for all of the words, the exact phrase, any of the words, or a combination.

D. Search Text Boxes
Type your search terms in the appropriate text boxes.

E. Field Names
Use the drop-down list to specify which field you want to search.

F. + More Fields| - Fewer Fields
Add more search fields by clicking More Fields. Reduce the number of search fields by clicking Fewer Fields. You can have as many as four fields and as few as one field.

G. Search
Click Search when you have finished specifying your search criteria.

H. Clear All
Click Clear all to reset all the search fields.

I. Available and Selected Collections
Choose which collections to search by clicking check boxes next to collection names. To remove a collection from your search, uncheck the box.

J. Select All
Select all collections to search across.

K. Clear All
Clear all collections. In order to perform a search, you must have one collection selected.

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Viewing Results

To view a document within the search results, click on the hyperlinked title.

Each letter in the image below corresponds to a definition of that element.

Figure 5: Search results
Search Results

A. Navigation Bar
Navigation for searching, browsing, and working with documents in collections.

B. Search Again
Returns to the Search page and retains collection and preference settings from the previous search.

C. Search Results
Displays the number of items in the collection(s) that match your search criteria.

D. Page Navigation
If your search produces more results than can be displayed on a single page, click the hyperlinked page numbers to view other pages.

E. Previous and Next Page
If your search produces more results than can be displayed on a single page, click Next or Previous to view other results pages.

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Viewing Documents

Documents are displayed in viewers that provide additional navigation.

Each letter in the image below corresponds to a definition of that element.

Figure 9: Compound Object Viewer
Document Viewer

A. Navigation Bar
Navigation for searching, browsing, and working with documents in collections.

B. Back to Results
Click Back to Results to return to the results page.

C. Previous/Next
Click Previous or Next to go to the next document in your results page.

D. Search this Document and Hit(s)/Previous Hit/Next Hit

  • You can search for words within a document. Type search words in the text box and click Search. Red brackets and an asterisk appear next to each page or side within the document that contains the word you searched for.
  • View the number of results found after a full text search. Then, use Previous Hit and Next Hit to navigate between the full text search results.

E. Image Toolbar
Use these operations to navigate the image.

F. View Link

Use the drop-down list to choose between different views of the Document:

  • View Document Description — View descriptive information about the complete document.
  • Page Description/Side Description — View descriptive information about a single page or view of a Document.
  • Print PDF Document — View a PDF of the entire document for printing. This option may be available for some items only.

G. Previous Page and Next Page
Go to the previous or next page within the document.

H. Document Navigation
Use the links in this section to navigate to specific pages within the document.

I. Reference URL
Copy the URL and paste it into citations and other references.

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