Protect your reputation and career
Save yourself embarrassment and learn how to censor your social networking sites.

Planning a summer party?
Check out these great summer party planning tips from Examiners.

Dead body donation
Learn about the scientific benefits and process of whole body donation. Today is a daily roundup of Examiner articles we think you might find interesting, useful or just funny (if we’re ever wrong about that, don’t blame it on us. It’s totally someone else’s fault).

Germany WeatherLet’s build a snowman … with hail!
The News Examiners are at it again. Baltimore Weather Examiner Tony Pann gives us a glimpse at a wintry white-out caused by a huge Jersey hail storm on  Monday with some incredible videos. It seriously looks like January in June!

Highway Patrol trooper strangles a paramedic
Need I say more? Oklahoma Crime Examiner Patricia Phillips has been following this crazy story. See the video and read more here.

Release of OS 3.0 screws certain iPhone users
With the release of the new Apple OS 3.0 on June 17, iPhone users with the pay-as-you-go plan will basically have their phone service terminated if they don’t purchase a full data plan. The SF Gadgets Examiner has more. Today is a daily roundup of Examiner articles we think you might find interesting, useful or just funny (if we’re ever wrong about that, don’t blame it on us. It’s totally someone else’s fault).

Bilingual education AND we get ‘em outta the house?!  Sign me up!
New York’s Bank Street School for Children has a top-notch summer camp program.
Number 11: inviting us to those awkward parties where we have to put our keys in the bowl…or is that just me?
Couples do annyoing things. And we’re not even talking about Chris [...]

Are locals beating meteorologists to the punch?
Denver Weather Examiner Tony Hake sure is. With the huge surge of tornadoes blowing through the country lately, some of the best coverage is coming from none other than the locals watching the skies:
Jan Null in San Francisco
Tony Pann in Baltimore
Charlie Wilson in Wilmington
Who’s got their eye on the [...]

Planning a family road trip this summer?
Check out these unique destinations the entire family will enjoy.
Pittsburgh Penguins: Stanley Cup Champions
Read how the Penguins shocked the Red Wings.
Meditate to improve your health
Learn how meditation can help control your metabolism. Today is a daily roundup of Examiner articles we think you might find interesting, useful or just [...]

In this week’s episode…
The Civil Liberties Examiner tees off on the cop who tased an elderly woman…The Denver Early Childhood Examiner shines a light on the growing conflict between the Octomom and Kate Gosselin… and the Using Computers Examiner helps us face the DTV Transition.