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Friday, June 19th

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Norfolk Crime Examiner
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 A recent study conducted by the Medical Research Council resulted in some shocking discoveries. All men who were interviewed answered by way of electronic device, to keep the results anonymous.The study produced the...
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One in four South African men admit to being a rapist
Norfolk Books Examiner
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I have to admit: This was a book I held up to my husband and said, "Oh, for cripe's sake, get a load of this." I thought it was one of those books that makes you work so hard to "get it", and gives you...
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Indy Lit Showcase: Forgetfulness by Michael Mejia
Norfolk Sports Examiner
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 Why? Why? Sweet Lord, please tell me why!!!Please tell me why the bovines in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, yea, even the collective sports media will not let this damnable episode in American sports...
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Norfolk Video Game Examiner
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Have you ever wondered what a flash-based Super Mario 64 game might have looked like? Rob Steven (Runouw) over at...
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Norfolk Panama Travel Examiner
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Congratulations! You have decided on an adventure to the Republic of Panama (or perhaps another tropical location)! You have even booked...
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The Top 12 Hairsprays in Today's Marketplace
1 hr 55 mins ago Norfolk Beauty Education Examiner
Marduk U.S. dates confirmed
2 hrs 53 mins ago Norfolk Metal Music Examiner
Anti-Materialism 101: a lesson from the Pet Shop Boys.
3 hrs ago Norfolk Catholic Examiner
Steroids and Baseball
4 hrs ago Norfolk Sports Examiner
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Republicans seek Kaine accounting on DNC travels
Source: Associated Press
Virginia Republicans are seeking an accounting of Gov. Tim Kaine's travels and public expenses as chairman of the Democratic National...

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National/World News
House condemns Tehran crackdown on protesters
Source: Associated Press
In the strongest message yet from the U.S. government, the House voted 405-1 Friday to condemn Tehran's crackdown on demonstrators and the...

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