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A conversation with Colorado Secretary of State Bernie Buescher, who says this scenario could be a nightmare for any state.
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Fort Worth Politics Examiners

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A lesson for the Palestinians The Palestinian people have been consistently screwed by the world community for the last 60-plus years. Not only is there the obvious injustice of... Full Story
You can stick your slavery apology
43 mins ago - Libertarian Examiner
So the Senate's backing a resolution that would generate a formal federal government apology for slavery. Unanimously, even. Whee.Forgive me if I don't get all giddy in... Full Story
Obama tax and spend programs meeting resistance BODY {font-family="Times New Roman"} TT {font-family="Courier"} BLOCKQUOTE.CITE {padding-left:0.5em; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;... Full Story
Images from the streets of Tehran
1 hr 22 mins ago - Asia Policy Examiner
Incredible images of protest.  The sounds and images from Moussavi's recent speech are remarkable even without the English translation.  This link provides a Youtube... Full Story
Whaling industry supported by tax-payer money Gland, Switzerland: According to a news release dated June 18, 2009 by the World Wildlife Fund, the governments of Norway and Japan are using taxpayer money to subsidize their... Full Story
Anti-gun group lies about GAO report Over 90 Percent of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S., New GAO Report Finds That's the headline from the Violence Policy Center press... Full Story

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