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Letters Home - A Military ...

Letters Home puts the current war in Iraq front and center by bringing to life actual letters written by soldiers serving in the Middle East. The production is ... more

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Tranquility. Relaxation. and Value

What are you waiting for? Book your vacation now and arrive prior to May 16th and enjoy the best prices of the season! Bluewater GMAC is the largest vacation rental company from Emerald Isle to Atlantic Beach. With over 800 vacation rentals, you are sure to find the perfect accommodations you are looking for to make your Southern Outer Banks vacation one to remember for any kind of budget.

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Hardee's giving away cookies TODAY!

Sorry for the late notice on this one, everyone, but I just found out myself. Hardee's stores owned by franchisee Boddie-Noell will be giving away free cookies for the rest of...

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