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Fort Worth Careers & Workplace Examiners

Examiners explore topics and share their insights
Learning with lyrics - part three In the last two articles, we looked at the applications of songs with lyrics in the classroom. In this final article of the series, we examine some of... Full Story
Don’t ignore your need for health insurance After graduation, your first thoughts are probably taking a vacation or finding a job. What about your health insurance? Most of us take advantage of being included under our... Full Story
Does your state have a poet laureate? When Texas announced its new poet laureate a few weeks ago, I decided to do some research to learn more about this role in the various states. Forty states have an official... Full Story
Ask Liz: Is it crazy to change careers now?
17 hrs ago - Workplace Examiner
Dear Liz,The job market is so challenging now, am I crazy to think about changing careers? This isn't a career change necessitated by a... Full Story
Be sure to protect yourself when using Twitter for your job search! Thanks to @TimMoore I stumbled upon this article recently which serves as an excellent reminder that we have to be very careful about what we broadcast via social media. ... Full Story
Mannersmith Column: Choosing between grandchildren, Tacky tea behavior, Graduation
22 hrs ago - Etiquette Examiner
 Q: My son's third birthday happens to fall on a Sunday this year. We are having his party on his actual birthday. Of course, my mother knows when her grandson's birthday is,... Full Story