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Missouri Attorney General

Consumer Programs

Check-A-Charity logo

Missourians who give to charity often have questions about what percentage of their gifts go to the charitable purpose and what percentage is used for administrative costs. Donors now can find out this information for hundreds of charities.

Consumer complaints logo
Consumer Complaints

The Attorney General has the authority to investigate business or trade practices and take legal action on behalf of the state to stop fraudulent or deceptive practices. You can file a consumer complaint with the Attorney General's Office.

Identity Theft logo
Identity Theft

The Attorney General's Office has set up a hotline to help you recognize and report identity theft. Complaint investigators also will help advise victims of identity theft. To call the hotline, dial 1-800-392-8222.

You can also file an identity theft complaint. Get Acrobat Reader

Know MO Logo
Know MO

"Know MO" enables consumers to look up complaints the Attorney General's Office has received about individuals and businesses. Search the AGO database containing more than 100,000 consumer complaints.

No Call Logo
No Call List

The No Call law allows Missourians to reduce unwanted telemarketing calls made to their homes by signing up for the No Call list, which is managed by the Attorney General's Office. There is no cost to get on the list.

Telemarketers are prohibited from calling homes on the list, with some exceptions written into the law. Consumers who believe a telemarketer has violated the law can file a complaint. To comply with the law, telemarketers will need to apply to receive the No Call list.

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