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News from Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo

Guam War Claims Bill on the House Floor Today

House to Vote at 6:30 p.m. (9:30 a.m. Chamorro Standard Time)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 23, 2009 – Washington, D.C. –

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives today took up floor debate on H.R. 44, the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act.  H.R. 44 was introduced on January 6, 2009 and currently has 86 original bi-partisan co-sponsors.  The bill was reintroduced in the 111th Congress after the U.S. Senate failed to pass the bill despite having been hotlined for immediate consideration several times.   

Today, a bipartisan group of Representatives spoke in favor of H.R. 44 including Representatives Daniel Lungren of California; Eni Faleomavaega of American Samoa; Joe Wilson of South Carolina; Donna Christensen of the U.S. Virgin Islands; and Pedro Pierluisi of Puerto Rico.  Following debate on H.R. 44, a voice vote was held and subsequently Congressman Phil Roe of Tennessee requested a recorded vote.  Under the House rules for expedited consideration of bills under “suspension of the rules”, H.R. 44 will require a two thirds vote for passage.  The vote on H.R. 44 is scheduled for February 23, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time or February 24, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. Chamorro Standard Time. 

The speeches on the floor earlier today highlight the bipartisan and broad supported enjoyed by H.R. 44.  Congresswoman Bordallo is working to secure the votes needed to pass H.R. 44. 

“I am working to pass H.R. 44 in the House later this evening,” Congresswoman Bordallo said today. “I appreciate the support of my colleagues who have supported H.R. 44 to date as well as the support of former Congressman Ben Blaz who joined me on the floor during the debate on the bill. There is an increasing amount of understanding in the House of the importance and need for this legislation.  I will continue to work hard to whip the vote on H.R. 44 to ensure its timely passage and that it is ultimately sent to the Senate and to the President for his signature.”

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Contact: Matthew Mateo in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Krystal Agustin at 671-477-4272/4. or

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