OCR: Office for Civil Rights
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Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Analysis

Resource Materials for Planning and Self-Assessments

Program Evaluation

Analyzing the Information and Identifying Areas for Improvement

This section of the outline provides information on analyzing the data collected and describes steps to consider in developing an action plan to address the findings from the evaluation. For illustration purposes, the information is organized into three areas discussed below:

Review of Results: Findings and Conclusions

Following are questions that may be considered with respect to compiling, organizing, and summarizing the information collected for each area where the district is not meeting the educational goals it established.

  • Is each identified area of concern evaluated to determine why it arose and how it is interfering with program objectives?

  • Were adequate resources allocated to the area of concern?

  • Were responsible staff adequately trained with respect to their responsibilities?

  • Were goals and expectations realistic? Were goals and other program expectations adequately communicated?

  • Does the concern suggest the need to take another look at some aspect of the program design?

  • Are there any contributing factors, explanations, or reasons for each area of concern?

It may be convenient to organize a written summary of three basic components:

  • Goal or Standard -- describe program goal or standard where a concern has been identified

  • Actual Outcome -- describe what the evaluation demonstrated with respect to shortcomings in achieving the desired goal or standard

  • Contributing Factors -- describe factors and circumstances that may have influenced the goal or standard--why was it not as expected?

Planning and Designing Modifications and Improvements

The following questions relate to planning and designing corrective measures or improvements tailored to address the specific concerns identified, while promoting the overall success of the program:

  • Has a description of the changes been developed? (e.g., What procedural and program modifications will be undertaken? Who is expected to be responsible for what? When will the changes be implemented?)

  • Has a description of the rationale and objective(s) been developed? (e.g. What are the changes expected to accomplish? How will success be measured?)

Implementing Program Changes

Once the planned modifications are developed, they can be put in place. Questions about implementation procedures may include:

  • Have all stakeholders (responsible and interested parties) been notified of any program changes?

  • Has necessary training been identified? Have appropriate steps been put in place so that responsible persons understand expectations and are prepared to implement the changes as planned?

To facilitate the success of the program improvement process, you may wish to consider the following questions:

  • Staff Responsibilities. Have staff been assigned specific responsibility for activities? Have the assigned staff been granted appropriate authority and have they been provided directions describing responsibilities and outcomes that are expected?

  • Establishing Schedules. Has a schedule of due dates been established for key events, action steps, and expectations? Does the schedule provide for prompt actions to afford equal educational opportunities to ELL students?

  • Follow-up as Appropriate. Has an approach been established to ensure that the process moves forward as expected? Has a person been designated with overall responsibility for the process to ensure its effective implementation?


Students must be provided with services until they are proficient enough in English to participate meaningfully in the district's overall education program.

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Last Modified: 03/16/2005