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tax topics

Presidential Transitionwhite_house

Tax and fiscal policy will loom large in the next president’s domestic policy agenda. Nearly all of the tax cuts enacted since 2001 expire at the end of 2010 and the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT) threatens to ensnare tens of millions of Americans. During his campaign, President-elect Barack Obama proposed major tax changes. The report and links below outline his major tax proposals, describe our modeling and analysis, and discuss the implications of his policies for revenue raised, taxpayer economic activity, and the distribution of the tax burden.

President-Elect Obama's Tax and Stimulus Plans

How to Find Tables for TPC's Analysis of President-elect Obama's Tax Plan

Outline of President-elect Obama's Tax Proposals

The Impact of the Presidential Candidates' Tax Proposals on Effective Marginal Tax Rates

A taxpayer's effective marginal tax rate (EMTR) is the percentage of an additional dollar of income that would be paid in federal income tax. An individual's EMTR could affect the decision to work or save more, or avoid income tax.

Effect of Obama's Tax Plan on Representative Families

Estimates of the individual and corporate income tax changes that different groups of representative families would face under Presdident-elect Obama's tax plan.

Nonelderly single individuals

Nonelderly married couples

Elderly units

Analysis of President-elect Barack Obama's Health Plan

Brief evaluation of President-elect Obama's proposal to reform the nation's health care system.

Briefing Book

The Tax Policy Briefing Book: A Citizens’ Guide for the 2008 Election and Beyond

A compendium of information on a broad array of tax and budget topics in Q&A format.


TaxVox on President-elect Obama's Economic Policy

The Tax Policy Center blog discusses issues related to the presidential transition.

See our election page for analyses of both candidates' tax plans