Sunday May 10, 2009

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SPOTLIGHT: Nuclear Weapons

Reuters - Pakistan's medium-range nuclear-capable Shaheen-1 (Haft-IV) ballistic missile takes off during a test.

Save to My Portfolio Thinking Big on Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Carlos Pascual and Steven Pifer, May 07, 2009

The spread of nuclear weapons is one of the deadliest threats to the human race, and over 30 countries have declared intent to develop nuclear programs. In the wake of a meeting between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia, Carlos Pascual and Steven Pifer argue that both countries must breathe new life into the Non-Proliferation Treaty regime to strengthen firewalls against proliferation and curtail weaponization. Read More

Nuclear Weapons, Proliferation, Russia, Arms Control, Defense

Spotlight: Afghanistan

Reuters/Yuri Gripas - Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks at Brookings May 5.

Save to My Portfolio Governance, Growth and Development in Afghanistan

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Washington, DC

Last week, President Barack Obama met with both Presidents Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan to address the challenges facing their nations. Brookings hosted President Karzai for a discussion of the Afghan perspective on a new strategy for governance, institution-building and economic development in light of the upcoming presidential election in Afghanistan. Transcript and Video

Afghanistan, Development

U.S. Judiciary

Reuters/Larry Downing - 2006 class photo of the Supreme Court of the United States is photographed in Washington.

Save to My Portfolio The Best Judges Obama Can't Pick

Benjamin Wittes, May 03, 2009

As President Obama considers his pick to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter, several supporters insist on getting more diversity on the bench. As Benjamin Wittes cautions, Democrats have less latitude for bucking these expectations in judicial nominations than Republicans do, as the conservative talent pool on the federal courts is larger and deeper than the liberal one. Read More

The Presidency, Courts, U.S. Judiciary, Justice and Law, Politics

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@ Brookings Podcast

Afghanistan's Karzai; U.S.-Russian Nukes; Supreme Court Nominee

The Afghan president on relations with Iran and the U.S.; Brookings scholars on nuclear arms control talks; and the public ponders Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, all @ Brookings.



The economic and political well-being of any democracy requires a well-educated citizenry. Brookings’s work has extended beyond the K-12 bookends to include pre-school interventions and issues in higher education. Experts are tackling fundamental issues on the role of education in the national and global economy.

ExpertEswar Prasad

Eswar Prasad, who holds the New Century Chair in International Economics, is a senior fellow in Global Economy and Development. He is the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University and was previously head of the Financial Studies Division and the China Division at the IMF.

TopicHealth Care

Brookings is committed to producing innovative policy solutions to our nation’s most difficult challenges. The country may face no more important domestic policy challenge than the much-needed reform of our health care system. Through an institution-wide effort, Brookings delivers new ideas and offers policy solutions to improve health care both at home and globally.


Migration is an issue that bridges Brookings’s expertise in domestic and foreign policy. In the United States, reforming immigration policy remains a subject of intense political debate. Globally, the unprecedented movement of people across borders raises issues in both industrialized countries and the developing world.

ExpertSarah A. Binder

Sarah Binder is an expert on Congress and legislative politics.  She is completing a project on the politics of advice and consent, and is at work on the politics of how Congress responds to financial crises.

Research ProjectBudgeting for National Priorities

The Budgeting for National Priorities project promotes greater fiscal responsibility by developing new ideas, educating the public and finding common ground among experts and policy-makers.

Policy CenterCenter on Children and Families

The Center on Children and Families studies policies on the well-being of America's children and their parents and seeks a more effective means of addressing poverty, inequality and lack of opportunity in the United States.

Policy CenterJohn L. Thornton China Center

The John L. Thornton China Center develops analysis and policy recommendations to help address key long-term challenges, both in terms of U.S.-China relations and China's internal development.

Policy CenterCenter on the United States and Europe

The Center on the U.S. and Europe is dedicated to the study of Europe and U.S.-Europe relations. It involves American and European experts in an active program of research, analysis, and debate.

ExpertMauricio Cárdenas

Mauricio Cárdenas is a senior fellow and director of the Latin America Initiative. Formerly minister of Economic Development and Transportation, and director of National Planning of Colombia, his research focuses on international and development economics.

ExpertVanda Felbab-Brown

Vanda Felbab-Brown focuses on the national security implications of illicit economies and strategies for managing them. She is a security studies professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

ExpertRobert Puentes

Robert Puentes focuses on the broad array of policies and issues related to metropolitan growth and development. He is an expert on transportation and infrastructure, urban planning, growth management, suburban issues and housing.

ProgramGovernance Studies

Governance Studies explores political institutions of the United States and other democracies to assess how they govern, how their practices compare and how citizens and public servants can advance sound governance.

ProgramMetropolitan Policy Program

Redefining the challenges facing metropolitan America and promoting innovative solutions to help communities grow in more inclusive, competitive and sustainable ways.

Research Project21st Century Defense Initiative

The 21st Century Defense Initiative produces cutting-edge research, analysis, and outreach that address some of the most critical issues facing leaders shaping defense policy in the coming century. The initiative focuses on three core issues: the future of war, the future of U.S. defense needs and priorities, and the future of the U.S. defense system

Research ProjectAfrica Growth Initiative

The Africa Growth Initiative conducts high-quality policy research and analysis focused on attaining sustainable economic development and prosperity in Africa, while amplifying the voice of African researchers in policy-making and planning.