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White Sands National Monument

Bicycling is allowed along the Dunes Drive.  Bicyclists must pay the standard park entrance fee. Helmets are required.  No off-road bicycling is permitted.  All bicycles must stay on the Dunes Drive or parking areas.

CAUTION:  The Dunes Drive is narrow with steeply-sloping shoulders.  Bicyclists should be extra cautious of vehicular traffic.

Moonlight Bicycle Rides are held in the spring and fall. Reservations are required.
Photo of kangaroo rat  

Did You Know?
Because there is virtually no fresh water within the white sands dune field, animals that live in the dunes must get almost all their water solely from the food they eat. Desert animals have evolved many ways of conserving moisture. The kangaroo rat eats only dry seeds and never drinks water.

Last Updated: February 26, 2007 at 13:37 EST