My Transportation High Priority Project Requests

This Congress will soon be considering major highway and surface transportation legislation. As with the appropriations process, it is important to me that constituents and the general public understand and have access to information about the process for funding transportation projects and the role Members of Congress play in that process.  I will use the same transparent process for these requests as I used to evaluate appropriations requests:

  • I will only sponsor requests for projects based in the 36th Congressional District.
  • Each request will be limited to a maximum of $5 million. (Note: This funding will be distributed in a percentage basis over the five or six year authorization of the bill.)
  • All projects will be limited to public sector or not-for-profit recipients.
  • State and local entities submitting requests should be prepared to contribute a substantial share of the total funding for a project.
  • Regional and joint approaches are strongly encouraged.

SAFETEA-LU Reauthorization Project Requests
* sorted alphabetically by city *

El Segundo’s Park Place Extension and Railroad Separation Project – $5,000,000

Federal funds would be used for planning, design and engineering, including right of way activities to establish the preferred alternatives to connect existing segments of Park Place between Allied Way and Nash Street to provide a continuous roadway from Douglas Street to Sepulveda Boulevard in the City of El Segundo.

Los Angeles Metro Green Line light rail extension to Los Angeles International Airports, environmental review, alternative analysis and conceptual design – $5,000,000

Federal funds would be used for Alternatives Analysis, Conceptual Engineering, Environmental Review (including community outreach), Financial Analysis and Preliminary Engineering of the Metro Green Line light rail extension to LAX and intermodal station connections.

Lane construction in Manhattan Beach on Rt. 1 – Sepulveda Boulevard – between 33rd St. and Rosecrans Avenue – $5,000,000

Federal funds would be used to construct and widen Rt. 1 – Sepulveda Boulevard – between 33rd Street and Rosecrans Avenue to add one north bound through lane.

City of Redondo Beach’s South Bay Regional Intermodal Transit Center– $3,200,000

Federal funds would be used for construction of Redondo Beach's Intermodal Transit Center as part of the South Bay’s Regional Intermodal Transit Centers Project.

City of Torrance’s South Bay Regional Intermodal Transit Center -- $5,000,000

Federal funds would be used for design and property acquisition of Torrance’s South Bay Intermodal Transit Center as part of the South Bay’s Regional Intermodal Transit Centers Project.

Schuyler Heim Bridge Replacement and SR-47 Expressway – $5,000,000

The SR-47 Expressway project replaces the seismically deficient six-lane Commodore Heim Lift Bridge with a fixed-span bridge connecting Terminal Island – the heart of the Los Angeles/Long Beach Port Complex – to major highways and transportation corridors. The lift bridge replacement is one of the few remaining projects on a list of over 2,000 California seismic bridge retrofits/replacements.

Acquire clean-fuel buses for the Community Downtown Area Short Hop Program, Cities of San Pedro and Wilmington– $3,200,000

Federal funds would be used to acquire clean-fuel buses for the Community Downtown Area Short Hop Program for the Cities of Wilmington and San Pedro. These buses would replace outdated, high emission diesel buses that provide mobility to many of the neediest communities in the district

All requests are due to my office by Wednesday, April 29, 2009. For further information, please contact my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-8220.