Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
UDWR's Channel
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Ice Off at Strawberry Reservoir
Invasive mussels threaten Utah
Spring Ice Fishing at Fish Lake
Wiper fishing at New Castle
Poachers in the Headlights
Otter release on the Provo River
Chasing Tiger Muskies
Utah Turkey Hunt
Fishing the Weber River
Strutting Sage Grouse
Panguitch Lake Ice Fishing
Bald Eagle Day in Utah
Uinta Ice Fishing
Beavers: Creators of Habitat
2009 Waterfowl Hunt Preview
Fishing in the Uinta Mountains
Utah ready to raise Its own tigers
Poachers caught in southern Utah
Bird Banding
Big Game Transplants in Utah
Snow Geese
Ogden River Survey
Mugging pronghorn in Utah
Henry Mountains Bison Transplant
Pikas in Utah
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Utah Division of Wildlife
Channel Views:
Total Upload Views:
Jul 12, 2007
Last Visit Date:
3 weeks ago
Welcome to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources' official YouTube channel. Here you will find videos related to wildlife, hunting and fishing. Stay tuned for exciting footage and information about many of the amazing animal species in Utah. To download or watch high-quality versions of the videos on this page, visit http://dwr.smugmug.com/Video
About Me:
Producer/Editor: Reed Sherman
DWR Videographers: Reed Sherman, Parker Jones, Phil Douglass, Lynn Chamberlain, Ron Stewart, Brent Stettler and Scott Root
United States
Recent Activity  
UDWR uploaded a new video (1 week ago)
Catch a rare glimpse of what lurks beneath the waters of the the Flaming Gorge. Fisheries biologists from Utah and Wyoming use nets every spring to...   more
UDWR uploaded a new video (4 weeks ago)
What is fishing nirvana? How about the possibility of hooking any one of 10 sport fish on every cast at the huge fishery known as Lake Powell? And ...   more
UDWR uploaded a new video (1 month ago)
Hungry fish, melting ice and beautiful days means that it's time for ice off fishing at Strawberry Reservoir. The ice is beginning to pull away fro...   more
UDWR uploaded a new video (2 months ago)
Utah's scenic waterways, fisheries and water delivery systems are being threatened by invasive mussels. Waterways across the country have been inva...   more
UDWR uploaded a new video (2 months ago)
Spring is a great time for ice fishing and ice off fishing at Fish Lake. The ice usually lasts until May at this high mountain lake and anglers loo...   more
Channel Comments (13)
AndreyPurtov (1 week ago)
You have a very nice channel ,guys ! Thanks.
Cr0cket20 (6 months ago)
Appreciate the videos and information coming from the vids. Keep it up, they're enjoyed.
VirginaSlipper (1 year ago)
thrasher1100 (1 year ago)
just yesterday i saw a golden eagle on top of malans peak and little more than a week ago i saw a bald eagle fly above as i was hiking the hidden valley trail are the bald eagle's just ariving.
watnoby (1 year ago)
deadicated hunters need to see some more benifits we do 32 hours of service work save the division millions there own words and nothing has changed but more hours and more money for us
williammecham (1 year ago)
Overcrowding during the hunting seasons is something that I would really like the DWR to address. I saw the post that said southern utah is the least crowded place in the state, but I have a really hard time believing that. Take a quick jaunt up on Cedar Mountain during the elk or deer hunts and you'll see a big ol' mess. I think the DWR should do an earlier hunt and a slightly later hunt that's closer to the rut, which cost more to put in for. And if the harvest rate goes up for the late hunt then reduce the total amount of tags you give out and you'll have less crowded hunts and same amount of revenue. Just a thought anyway.
EvilBlonde1 (1 year ago)
How about giving Disabled Hunters with COR's about 3-months to fill their hunting tags ?
joeminigun (1 year ago)
Im kinda pissed off at the UDWR they started this "Fishing Club" at my neighborhood pond and because they were smaller kids and they didn't tell them how to catch and release they killed all the fish (and let me tell you that that was the best fishing pond I have ever seen... almost every cast you could get a fish. now you cant catch anything). and what really made me made was when they didn't even bother to stock it after they had ruined it! they just left and never came back!
BinkieMcFartnuggets (2 years ago)
More attention needs to be paid to Gila Monsters, thank you for leading the movement!
manguy94 (2 years ago)
I still want my tags
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