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RCRA Facilities - District of Columbia

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Facility fact sheets and the Environmental Indicator forms are Adobe Acrobat PDF files. [About PDF]
For additional facility information, go to the following links:
• Click on the facility name to view the facility fact sheet
• Click on the "YES" to view the facility's completed Environmental Indicator form
• Click on the location name to view a map of the facility area in Google Maps Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Facility Name
EPA ID# Location



Cleanup Status

Land Use

General Services Admin
Corrective Action Underway
Naval Research Laboratory
Corrective Action Underway
Continued Use


Environmental Indicators

HE = Current Human Exposures Under Control Environmental Indicator (CA725)
GW = Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control Environmental Indicator (CA750)
YES = The Environmental Indicator has been met
IN = More information is needed

Cleanup Status

To Be Assessed = EPA/State will assess the site in the near future
Corrective Action Underway = Initiation of a facility-wide investigation and cleanup
Remedy Selected = The regulator has selected final cleanup objectives to address contamination and exposures (CA400)
Construction Complete = All components of the final remedy are in place and operating as designed, but final cleanup objectives have not yet been met (CA550)
Complete with Controls = Final cleanup objectives are met but on-going operation, maintenance and/or monitoring of controls are necessary to ensure protection of human health and the environment
Complete Without Controls = Final cleanup objectives are met for all media, and no further activity or controls are necessary (CA999)

Land Use

Continued Use = A site or portion of a site which is currently being used in the same general manner as it was when the site became contaminated
Reused = A site or portion of a site where a new use is occurring or planned such that there has been a change in the type of use (e.g. industrial to commercial) or the property was vacant and now supports a specific use
Unused = A site or portion of a site which is currently vacant or not being used in any identifiable manner
To Be Determined = EPA/State will determine land use of the site in the near future

Region 3 posts and updates Land Use Status based on readily available information.  EPA does not continue to track the Land Use Status for sites where corrective action is complete and there are no activity or use limitations.  The Land Use Status information is not an official EPA determination and does not reflect discussions with the property owner or the community on their preferences for site use or reuse.

[ District of Columbia | Delaware | Maryland | Pennsylvania | Virginia | West Virginia ]

Region 3 The Mid-Atlantic States

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