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Welcome to the Department of Energy's (DOE), Office of Nuclear Energy's (NE) web page for the Office of Laboratory Facilities Management. This office manages programs to maintain critical national nuclear infrastructure required to support research and development that helps meet strategic needs in energy and national security.

Programs such as Idaho Facilities Management, Idaho Site-Wide Safeguards and Security, and Radiological Facilities Management, help ensure the safety, operability, availability, security, and environmental compliance of nuclear and radiological facilities used in advanced research and technology development. These facilities are located at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico, and at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York. Together they comprise a significant portion of the nation’s infrastructure used for nuclear energy research and advanced technology development.

The nuclear infrastructure at DOE laboratories is
vital to conducting the research needed to enhance
Energy Security and meet critical energy and environmental needs in the future.

Program links on this page provide more detailed information on the research infrastructure at these sites.

In the management of nuclear and radiological facilities, nuclear safety is paramount

Detailed information on the nuclear safety policies and directives related to facility operations can be found through the following link: Nuclear Safety in DOE Facilities

Researcher access to the nuclear infrastructure is vital
to materials and technology advancements

The Radiological Facilities Management program also encompasses support for research reactor infrastructure outside the DOE laboratory complex. Through this program element, DOE furnishes fuel for university reactors, and, to enhance nonproliferation, supports the conversion of remaining highly enriched uranium fueled reactors to low-enriched uranium reactors.

DOE gives university scientists and engineers access to its laboratory facilities for research and training. In April 2007, the Advanced Test Reactor located at the Idaho National Laboratory was designated as a National Science User Facility. As such, it will afford more opportunities for universities, along with industry and international organizations, to conduct nuclear energy research. For more information on this topic, please click here, or go to the INL page here.


Click here to visit INL's Website Click here to visit LANL's Website Click here to visit ORNL's Website Click Here to Visit BNL's Website

Program Links

Sites and Facilities
 > Idaho National Laboratory
> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Brookhaven National Laboratory
------------------------------- Reports and Documents


Idaho National Laboratory
------------------------------- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Other Links
Interview with New Director of Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility