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U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science
Scientific User AND COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH Facilities by Program Office

Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Basic Energy Sciences
Biological and Environmental Research
Fusion Energy Sciences
High Energy Physics
Nuclear Physics

Advanced Scientific Computing Research

· Energy Sciences Network (ESnet):
The Energy Sciences Network, or ESnet, is a high-speed network serving thousands of Department of Energy researchers and collaborators worldwide. Managed and operated by the ESnet staff at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ESnet provides direct connections to more than 30 DOE sites at speeds up to 10 gigabits per second. Connectivity to the global Internet is maintained through "peering" arrangements with more than 100 other Internet service providers. Funded principally by DOE's Office of Science, ESnet allows scientists to use unique DOE research facilities and computing resources independent of time and location with state-of-the-art performance levels. ESnet derives its effectiveness from the extensive cooperation it enjoys with its user community. It is one of the most widely based and successful cooperative efforts within the Department of Energy.

· Oak Ridge National Laboratory Leadership Computing
Facility (LCF):

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Leadership Computing Facility (LCF) provides the world's most powerful computing resources for open scientific research. In November 2008, a massively parallel high-performance computer (super-computer) nicknamed Jaguar at the OLCF, reached a theoretical peak of 1.64 “petaflops,” or quadrillion mathematical calculations per second, which is about 55,000 times faster then a typical PC. Jaguar is the world’s first petaflop system dedicated to open research. This Cray XT system utilizes over 45,000 of the latest quad-core Opteron processors from AMD and features 362 terabytes of memory and a 10-petabyte file system. The system has 578 terabytes per second of memory bandwidth and an unprecedented input/output (I/O) bandwidth of 284 gigabytes per second which tackles the biggest bottleneck in leading-edge systems—moving data into and out of processors. The project to upgrade Jaguar consists of 84 Cray XT4 cabinets and 200 new Cray XT5 cabinets. The Oak Ridge LCF is a major computing resource for the Innovative Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. In 2008, ASCR awarded more than 140 million processor hours on Jaguar to 30 INCITE projects from universities, private industry, and government research laboratories. Past projects have ranged from efforts to better understand core collapse of supernovae to improving the efficiency of catalytic processes directly involved in the synthesis of 20 percent of all of all industrial products to materials science to astrophysics, combustion and fusion simulations.

· Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF ):
The ALCF provides the computational science community with a world-class computing capability dedicated to breakthrough science and engineering. It began operation in 2006 to coincide with the award of the 2006 INCITE projects and the research being conducted at the ALCF spans a diverse range of scientific areas - from studying exploding stars to designing more efficient jet engines to exploring the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease. The ALCF teams provide expertise and assistance to support user's projects to achieve top performance of applications and to maximize benefits from the use of ALCF resources. The resources at the ALCF include an IBM Blue Gene/P system nicknamed Intrepid, and a BG/P system named Surveyor. Intrepid possess a peak speed of 557 Teraflops and a Linpack speed of 450 Teraflops, making it one of the fastest supercomputers in the world. Intrepid’s configuration features 40,960 nodes, each with four processors or cores for a total of 163,840 cores and 80 terabytes of memory. Surveyor has 1,024 quad-core nodes (4,096 processors) and 2 terabytes of memory and is used for tool and application porting, software testing and optimization, and systems software development.

· National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center:
As a national resource to enable scientific advances to support the missions of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), operated by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, annually serves approximately 3,000 scientists throughout the United States. These researchers work at DOE laboratories, universities, industrial laboratories and other Federal agencies. Computational science conducted at NERSC covers the entire range of scientific disciplines, but is focused on research that supports DOE's missions and scientific goals. Allocations of computer time and archival storage at NERSC are awarded to research groups based on a review of submitted proposals. As proposals are submitted, they are peer reviewed to evaluate the quality of science, the relevance of the proposed research to Office of Science goals and objectives and the readiness of the proposed application to fully utilize the computing resources being requested. A prominent feature of NERSC since its founding in 1974 has been the expertise and the competence of the employees staffing the facility and the high quality services delivered to users. The NERSC staff delivers critical computing resources, applications and information enabling users to optimize the use of their computer time allocation.

Basic Energy Sciences

Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources
· National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS):
The NSLS at Brookhaven National Laboratory, commissioned in 1982, consists of two distinct electron storage rings. The x-ray storage ring is 170 meters in circumference and can accommodate 60 beamlines or experimental stations, and the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) storage ring can provide 25 additional beamlines around its circumference of 51 meters. Synchrotron light from the x-ray ring is used to determine the atomic structure of materials using diffraction, absorption, and imaging techniques. Experiments at the VUV ring help solve the atomic and electronic structure as well as the magnetic properties of a wide array of materials. These data are fundamentally important to virtually all of the physical and life sciences as well as providing immensely useful information for practical applications.

· Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL):
The SSRL at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory was built in 1974 to take and use for synchrotron studies the intense x-ray beams from the SPEAR storage ring that was originally built for particle.  The facility is used by researchers from industry, government laboratories, and universities. These include astronomers, biologists, chemical engineers, chemists, electrical engineers, environmental scientists, geologists, materials scientists, and physicists. A research program is conducted at SSRL with emphasis in both the x-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. SSRL scientists are experts in photoemission studies of high-temperature superconductors and in x-ray scattering. The SPEAR 3 upgrade at SSRL provided major improvements that increase the brightness of the ring for all experimental stations. 

· Advanced Light Source (ALS):
The ALS at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, began operations in October 1993 as one of the world's brightest sources of high-quality, reliable vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) light and long-wavelength (soft) x-rays for probing the electronic and magnetic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids, such as those for high-temperature superconductors. The high brightness and coherence of the ALS light are particularly suited for soft x-ray imaging of biological structures, environmental samples, polymers, magnetic nanostructures, and other inhomogeneous materials. Other uses of the ALS include holography, interferometry, and the study of molecules adsorbed on solid surfaces. The pulsed nature of the ALS light offers special opportunities for time resolved research, such as the dynamics of chemical reactions. Shorter wavelength x-rays are also used at structural biology experimental stations for x-ray crystallography and x-ray spectroscopy of proteins and other important biological macromolecules. The ALS is a growing facility with a lengthening portfolio of beamlines that has already been applied to make important discoveries in a wide variety of scientific disciplines.

· Advanced Photon Source (APS):
The APS at Argonne National Laboratory is one of only three third-generation, hard x-ray synchrotron radiation light sources in the world. The 1,104-meter circumference facility—large enough to house a baseball park in its center—includes 34 bending magnets and 34 insertion devices, which generate a capacity of 68 beamlines for experimental research. Instruments on these beamlines attract researchers to study the structure and properties of materials in a variety of disciplines, including condensed matter physics, materials sciences, chemistry, geosciences, structural biology, medical imaging, and environmental sciences. The high-quality, reliable x-ray beams at the APS have already brought about new discoveries in materials structure.

· Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS):
The LCLS at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a facility nearing completion that will produce ultrafast pulses of X-rays millions of times brighter than even the most powerful synchrotron sources — pulses powerful enough to make images of single molecules. This laser-like radiation in the x-ray region of the spectrum will be 10 billion times greater in peak power and peak brightness than any existing coherent x-ray light source.  User proposal calls have been issued. A suite of X-ray instruments under the Linac Coherent Light Source Ultrafast Science Instruments - (LUSI) project is being built to exploit the unique scientific capability of the LCLS. Each instrument will have unique capabilities enabling a diverse experimental landscape to probe ultrafast dynamics.

· National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II):
The NSLS-II is a project at Brookhaven National Laboratory to design and build a world-class user facility for scientific research using synchrotron radiation. The project scope includes the design, construction, and installation of the accelerator hardware, civil construction, and experimental facilities required to produce a new synchrotron light source. It will be highly optimized to deliver ultra-high brightness and flux and exceptional beam stability. These capabilities will enable the study of material properties and functions down to a spatial resolution of 1 nm, energy resolution of 0.1 meV, and with the ultra-high sensitivity necessary to perform spectroscopy on a single atom.

High-Flux Neutron Sources

· Spallation Neutron Source (SNS):

The SNS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a next-generation short-pulse spallation neutron source for neutron scattering that is significantly more powerful (by about a factor of 10) than the best spallation neutron source now in existence. The SNS consists of a linac-ring accelerator system that delivers short (microsecond) proton pulses to a target/moderator system where neutrons are produced by a process called spallation. The neutrons so produced are then used for neutron scattering experiments. Specially designed scientific instruments use these pulsed neutron beams for a wide variety of investigations. There is initially one target station that can accommodate 24 instruments; the potential exists for adding more instruments and a second target station later.

· High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR):
The HFIR at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a light-water cooled and moderated reactor that began full-power operations in 1966 at the design power level of 100 megawatts.  Currently, HFIR operates at 85 megawatts to provide state-of-the-art facilities for neutron scattering, materials irradiation, and neutron activation analysis and is the world's leading source of elements heavier than plutonium for research, medicine, and industrial applications.  The neutron-scattering experiments at the reveal the structure and dynamics of a very wide range of materials. The neutron-scattering instruments installed on the four horizontal beam tubes are used in fundamental studies of materials of interest to solid-state physicists, chemists, biologists, polymer scientists, metallurgists, and colloid scientists.  Recently, a number of improvements at HFIR have increased its neutron scattering capabilities to 14 state-of-the-art neutron scattering instruments on the world’s brightest beams of steady-state neutrons. These upgrades include the installation of larger beam tubes and shutters, a high-performance liquid hydrogen cold source, and neutron scattering instrumentation.  The new installation of the cold source provides beams of cold neutrons for scattering research that are as bright as any in the world.  Use of these forefront instruments by researchers from universities, industries, and government laboratories are granted on the basis of scientific merit.

· Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE):
The Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (Lujan Center) at Los Alamos National Laboratory provides an intense pulsed source of neutrons to a variety of spectrometers for neutron scattering studies.  The Lujan Center features instruments for measurement of high-pressure and high-temperature samples, strain measurement, liquid studies, and texture measurement.  The facility has a long history and extensive experience in handling actinide samples.  A 30 Tesla magnet is also available for use with neutron scattering to study samples in high-magnetic fields.  The Lujan Center is part of LANSCE, which is comprised of a high-power 800-MeV proton linear accelerator, a proton storage ring, production targets to the Lujan Center and the Weapons Neutron Research facility, and a variety of associated experiment areas and spectrometers for national security research and civilian research.

Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers

· Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research (EMCMR):
The  EMCMR at Argonne National Laboratory provides in-situ, high-voltage and intermediate voltage, high-spatial resolution electron microscope capabilities for direct observation of ion-solid interactions during irradiation of samples with high-energy ion beams. The EMC employs both a tandem accelerator and an ion implanter in conjunction with a transmission electron microscope for simultaneous ion irradiation and electron beam microcharacterization. It is the only instrumentation of its type in the western hemisphere. The unique combination of two ion accelerators and an electron microscope permits direct, real-time, in-situ observation of the effects of ion bombardment of materials and consequently attracts users from around the world. Research at EMC includes microscopy based studies on high-temperature superconducting materials, irradiation effects in metals and semiconductors, phase transformations, and processing related structure and chemistry of interfaces in thin films.

· National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM):
The NCEM at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provides instrumentation for high-resolution, electron-optical microcharacterization of atomic structure and composition of metals, ceramics, semiconductors, superconductors, and magnetic materials. This facility contains one of the highest resolution electron microscopes in the U.S. 

· Shared Research Equipment (SHaRE):
The SHaRE User Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory makes available state-of-the-art electron beam microcharacterization facilities for collaboration with researchers from universities, industry and other government laboratories.  Most SHaRE projects seek correlations at the microscopic or atomic scale between structure and properties in a wide range of metallic, ceramic, and other structural materials. A diversity of research projects has been conducted, such as the characterization of magnetic materials, catalysts, semiconductor device materials, high Tc superconductors, and surface-modified polymers. Analytical services (service microscopy) which can be purchased from commercial laboratories are not possible through SHaRE.  The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education manages the SHaRE program.

Nanoscale Science Research Centers

· Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS):
The CNMS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory  is a research center and user facility that integrates nanoscale science research with neutron science, synthesis science, and theory/modeling/simulation.  The building provides state-of-the-art clean rooms, general laboratories, wet and dry laboratories for sample preparation, fabrication and analysis.  Equipment to synthesize, manipulate, and characterize nanoscale materials and structures is included.  The facility, which is collocated with the Spallation Neutron Source complex, houses over 100 research scientists and an additional 100 students and postdoctoral fellows.  The CNMS’s major scientific thrusts are in nano-dimensioned soft materials, complex nanophase materials systems, and the crosscutting areas of interfaces and reduced dimensionality that become scientifically critical on the nanoscale.  A major focus of the CNMS is to exploit ORNL’s unique capabilities in neutron scattering. 

· Molecular Foundry:
The Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) makes use of existing LBNL facilities such as the Advanced Light Source, the National Center for Electron Microscopy, and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.  The facility provides laboratories for materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, and molecular biology.  State-of-the-art equipment includes clean rooms, controlled environmental rooms, scanning tunneling microscopes, atomic force microscopes, transmission electron microscope, fluorescence microscopes, mass spectrometers, DNA synthesizer and sequencer, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, ultrahigh vacuum scanning-probe microscopes, photo, uv, and e-beam lithography equipment, peptide synthesizer, advanced preparative and analytical chromatographic equipment, and cell culture facilities. 

· Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT):
The CINT focuses on exploring the path from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro- and macro-worlds. This path involves experimental and theoretical exploration of behavior, understanding new performance regimes and concepts, testing designs, and integrating nanoscale materials and structures. CINT focus areas are nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, complex functional nanomaterials, nanomechanics, and the nanoscale/bio/microscale interfaces. CINT is jointly administered by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories.  This Center makes use of a wide range of specialized facilities including the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at LANL. 

· Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN):
The CFN at Brookhaven National Laboratory focuses on understanding the chemical and physical response of nanomaterials to make functional materials such as sensors, activators, and energy-conversion devices.  The facility uses existing facilities such as the National Synchrotron Light Source and the Laser Electron Accelerator facility.  It also provides clean rooms, general laboratories, and wet and dry laboratories for sample preparation, fabrication, and analysis.  Equipment includes that needed for laboratory and fabrication facilities for e-beam lithography, transmission electron microscopy, scanning probes and surface characterization, material synthesis and fabrication, and spectroscopy. 

·Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM):
The CNM at Argonne National Laboratory focuses on research in advanced magnetic materials, complex oxides, nanophotonics, and bio-inorganic hybrids.  The facility uses existing facilities such as the Advanced Photon Source, the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, and the Electron Microscopy Center.  An x-ray nanoprobe beam line at the Advanced Photon Source is run by the Center for its users.  The State of Illinois provided funding for construction of the building, which is appended to the Advanced Photon Source.  BES provides funding for clean rooms and specialized equipment as well as the facility operations. 

Collaborative Research Centers

· Combustion Research facility (CRF):
The CRF is an internationally recognized Office of Science collaborative research facility located at Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA. The CRF is home to about 100 scientists, engineers, and technologists who conduct basic and applied research aimed at improving our nation's ability to use and control combustion processes. The need for a thorough and basic understanding of combustion and combustion-related processes lies at the heart of CRF research. Most of the CRF's work is done in collaboration with scientists and engineers from industry and universities. Visiting researchers have access to the CRF's state-of-the-art facilities and expert staff.

Biological and Environmental Research

· William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL):
The mission of the EMSL at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington, is to provide integrated experimental and computational resources for discovery and technological innovation in the environmental molecular sciences to support the needs of DOE and the nation. The facilities and capabilities of the EMSL are available to the general scientific and engineering communities to conduct research in the environmental molecular sciences and related areas. EMSL supports both open and proprietary research. Open research is basic and applied research in science and engineering where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community. A limited amount of proprietary research may also be conducted in the EMSL under a proprietary sales contract.

· Joint Genome Institute (JGI):
The Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, California, unites the expertise of five national laboratories—Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and Pacific Northwest—along with the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology to advance genomics in support of the DOE missions related to clean energy generation and environmental characterization and cleanup. In 2004, the DOE JGI established itself as a national user facility. The vast majority of JGI sequencing is conducted under the auspices of the Community Sequencing Program (CSP), surveying the biosphere to characterize organisms relevant to the DOE science mission areas of bioenergy, global carbon cycling, and biogeochemistry.

· Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility (ACRF):
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) is a multi-platform national scientific user facility, with instruments at fixed and varying locations around the globe for obtaining continuous field measurements of climate data. The ACRF promotes the advancement of atmospheric process understanding and climate models through precise observations of atmospheric phenomena. With fixed research sitesin three diverse climate regimes representing mid-latitude, polar, and tropical environs (i.e., the southern Great Plains of the United States, the North Slope of Alaska, and the Tropical Western Pacific), and with an aerial vehicles program (AVP), and two mobile ground facilities, the ACRF provides the world’s most comprehensive 24/7 observational capabilities for obtaining atmospheric data specifically for climate change research. Data from the sites are available through the data archive established at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ACRF provides significant research capability for the global scientific community. Proposed projects at the ACRF are reviewed by the ACRF Science Board, a highly respected group of scientists who assist with reviewing proposals for use of the facility.

· Mouse Genetics Research Facility (MGRF):
The MGRF at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has a highly qualified staff of mouse geneticists and molecular biologists who use its standard and mutant strains of laboratory mice for basic research in analyzing gene function and identifying mouse models of human genetic disease. In May 2004 the MGRF opened a new, 36,000-ft2 vivarium on the main ORNL campus at ORNL. This new vivarium, the William L. and Liane B. Russell Laboratory for Comparative and Functional Genomics, is being operated by Bionetics, Inc., as a specific-pathogen-free barrier facility with a capacity for 60,000 mice. Mouse strains, rederived from the transfer of two-cell stage embryos, are housed in ventilated racks with automated watering systems; basic husbandry is provided by certified technical staff.

Fusion Energy Sciences

ITER (Latin for “the way”),  is a critical step between today’s studies of plasma physics and tomorrow’s fusion power plants producing electricity and hydrogen. Project partners are China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States. ITER is technically ready to start construction, with experimental operations planned to begin in approximately 10 years. The site selected for the project is Cadarache, in southeastern France. ITER is expected to operate for 20 years, and to demonstrate production of at least 10 times the power used to heat the fusion fuel. The U.S. ITER Project Office, a partnership of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, is responsible for project management of U.S. activities to support construction of the international research facility. It is located at Oak Ridge so that the U.S. ITER program can take advantage of the project management experience developed by ORNL during the construction there of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS).

· DIII-D Tokamak Facility:
DIII-D, located at General Atomics in San Diego, California, is the largest magnetic fusion facility in the U.S. and is operated as a DOE national user facility. DIII-D has been a major contributor to the world fusion program over the past decade in areas of plasma turbulence, energy and particle transport, electron-cyclotron plasma heating and current drive, plasma stability, and boundary layers physics using a “magnetic divertor” to control the magnetic field configuration at the edge of the plasma. DOE’s Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences program is a major supporter in the operation of this facility.

· Alcator C-Mod:
Alcator C-Mod at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is operated as a DOE national user facility. Alcator C-Mod is a unique, compact tokamak facility that uses intense magnetic fields to confine high-temperature, high-density plasmas in a small volume. One of its unique features are the metal (molybdenum) walls to accommodate high power densities. Alcator C-Mod has made significant contributions to the world fusion program in the areas of plasma heating, stability, and confinement of high field tokamaks, which are important integrating issues related to ignition of burning of fusion plasma. DOE’s Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences program, is a significant contributor to the operation of this facility.

· National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX):
NSTX is an innovative magnetic fusion device that was constructed by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Columbia University, and the University of Washington at Seattle. It is one of the world’s two largest embodiments of the spherical torus confinement concept. Like DIII-D and Alcator C-Mod, NSTX is also operated as a DOE national scientific user facility. NSTX has a unique, nearly spherical plasma shape that provides a test of the theory of toroidal magnetic confinement as the spherical limit is approached. Plasmas in spherical torii have been predicted to be stable even when high ratios of plasma-to-magnetic pressure and self-driven current fraction exist simultaneously in the presence of a nearby conducting wall bounding the plasma. If these predictions are verified, it would indicate that spherical torii use applied magnetic fields more efficiently than most other magnetic confinement systems and could, therefore, be expected to lead to more cost-effective fusion power systems in the long term. DOE’s Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences program is the major contributor to the operation of this facility.

· Madison Symmetric Torus (MST):
The MST is a toroidal, reversed field pinch (RFP) machine that produces hot plasma for applications in both fusion energy research and astrophysical plasmas. This facility is located at the University of Wisconsin Madison, and enables research with three coupled goals: to advance the magnetic configuration known as the reversed field pinch as a potential fusion energy source, to investigate specific fusion energy science issues that are of general application to fusion energy research, and to explore plasma phenomena that have physics connections to plasma processes in the cosmos.

High Energy Physics

· Large Hadron Collider (LHC):
The LHC will create almost a billion proton-proton collisions per second at an energy of 14 trillion electron volts, seven times higher than any particle collider has previously achieved. It will operate at the CERN laboratory in a 27-kilometer circular tunnel about 100 meters underground. More than 1,200 scientists from U.S. universities and institutions participate in the design, construction and operation of the machine. U.S. scientists will remain active leaders at the energy frontier both here in the U.S. and abroad at CERN.

A detector, named ATLAS, one of four detectors to be located at LHC (near Geneva, in Switzerland), is now nearing completion. ATLAS is designed to detect particles created by the proton-proton collisions. One of its main goals is to look for a particle named Higgs, which may be the source of mass for all matter. Findings may also offer insight into new physics theories as well as a better understanding of the origin of the universe. Brookhaven National Laboratory is the host for the 42 U.S. institutions contributing to the project. In total, 164 laboratories and universities around the world are involved in building, installing, and commissioning parts of ATLAS.

Discoveries from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, promise to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. The CMS is designed to explore the physics of the Terascale, the energy region where physicists believe they will find answers to the central questions at the heart of 21st-century particle physics. The CMS consists of more than 400 physicists, 200 graduate students and 200 engineers, technicians and computer scientists, making it the largest national group in the international collaboration. The U.S. collaboration is making significant contributions to nearly every aspect of the detector throughout all phases, including construction, installation and preparation for data-taking. U.S. CMS also plays a major role in the construction and operation of the experiment’s computing facilities and software that will be needed to analyze the unprecedented amount of data that CMS will generate. These highly sophisticated computing tools will allow physicists to operate the CMS detector, reconstruct the data, analyze it and, ultimately, make discoveries.

· Tevatron Collider:
Fermilab's four-mile Tevatron, the world's highest-energy particle accelerator, can reach an energy level of 0.980 trillion electron volts (TeV) for each of its particle beams: clockwise-circulating protons and anticlockwise-circulating antiprotons.  A proton-antiproton collision produces an energy of 1.96 TeV at the interaction points. In 1995, Tevatron Run I-b, the collisions ran at an energy level of 1.8 TeV, .9 TeV per beam, which was sufficient to discover the top quark. With the present energy level Fermilab hopes to continue discovering new particles in Run II of the Tevatron.

· Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF):
The CDF  at the Tevatron complex is an experimental collaboration committed to studying high energy particle collisions at the world’s highest energy operating particle accelerator, the Tevatron. The goal is to discover the identity and properties of the particles that make up the universe and to understand the forces and interactions between those particles.

· DZero:
The DZero experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research on the fundamental nature of matter. The experiment is located at the world's premier high-energy accelerator, the Tevatron, at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. The research focuses on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. It involves an intense search for subatomic clues that reveal the character of the building blocks of the universe.

· Booster Neutrino (BooNE):
BooNE is a facility managed by at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. BooNE investigates the question of neutrino mass by searching for neutrino oscillations from muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos. This is done by directing a muon neutrino beam into the MiniBooNE detector and looking for electron neutrinos. The primary goal of the MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois is to test for neutrino mass by searching for neutrino oscillations. Neutrino mass is important because it may lead us to physics beyond the Standard Model. Masses in the range accessible to MiniBooNE will expand our understanding of how the universe has evolved.

· Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI):
NuMI is a facility at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, that uses protons from the Main Injector accelerator to produce a beam of neutrinos aimed at the Soudan Mine in Northern Minnesota. NuMI is supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program.

· Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS):
The MINOS Experiment is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to observe the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, an effect which is related to neutrino mass. MINOS uses two detectors, one located at Fermilab, at the source of the neutrinos, and the other located 450 miles away, in northern Minnesota, at the Soudan Underground Mine State Park in Tower-Soudan.

MINERvA is a neutrino scattering experiment that uses the NuMI beamline at Fermilab. It seeks to measure low energy neutrino interactions both in support of neutrino oscillation experiments and also to study the strong dynamics of the nucleon and nucleus that affect these interactions. MINERvA is currently in its final prototyping stage and is preparing for full-scale construction. The first detector module was completed in early 2006, the experiment plans to begin taking data in 2009.

· NOvA:
The NovA experiment will construct a detector optimized for electron neutrino detection in the existing NuMI neutrino beam. The primary goal of the experiment is to search for evidence of muon to electron neutrino oscillations. This oscillation, if it occurs, holds the key to many of the unanswered questions in neutrino oscillation physics. In addition to providing a measurement of the last unknown mixing angle, this oscillation channel opens the possibility of seeing matter/anti-matter asymmetries in neutrinos and determination of the ordering of the neutrino mass states.

· T2K:
T2K is a second-generation, long-baseline, neutrino-oscillation experiment that will study the nature of neutrinos. The T2K experiment will study an off-axis neutrino beam, sent 295 km from the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (JPARC) to a 50 kiloton water Cherenkov detector named the SuperKamiokande detector, which is located about 1000 m underground in the Kamioka mine. The new facility under construction in Tokai, Japan has a high-power 50 GeV proton synchrotron. The aim of T2K is to use this high-intensity proton beam to generate an intense number of muon neutrinos. Data collection is expected to start at the end of the decade.

· Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment:
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is a neutrino-oscillation experiment designed to measure the last unknown mixing angle, using anti-neutrinos produced by the reactors of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and the Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant. Recently, neutrino oscillations have been discovered in atmospheric and solar neutrino experiments such as Super-K and SNO as well as in KamLAND and K2K experiments using prepared neutrino sources. In the mixing matrix of three neutrino generations, two parameters have yet to be determined: the smallest mixing angle, θ13, and the CP violating phase, δCP . Knowing the size of θ13 mixing angle will define the future direction of investigating neutrino oscillation.

· Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS):
The CDMS experiment is located in the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Minnesota, shielded from cosmic rays and other particles that could mimic the signals expected from dark matter particles. Scientists operate the ultrasensitive CDMS detectors under clean-room conditions at a temperature of about 40 millikelvin, close to absolute zero. Physicists expect that weakly-interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, if they exist, travel right through ordinary matter, rarely leaving a trace. If WIMPs crossed the CDMS detector, occasionally one of the WIMPs would hit a germanium nucleus.

· Sloan Digital Sky Survey:
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious astronomical survey ever undertaken. When completed, it will provide detailed optical images covering more than a quarter of the sky and a three-dimensional map of roughly one million galaxies and quasars. As the survey progresses, the data are released to the scientific community and the general public in annual increments.

· Pierre Auger Observatory:
The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory studies ultra-high energy cosmic rays, the most energetic and rarest particles in the universe. When these particles strike the earth's atmosphere, they produce extensive air showers made of billions of secondary particles. While much progress has been made in nearly a century of research in understanding cosmic rays with low to moderate energies, those with extremely high energies remain a mystery. The Pierre Auger Observatory is working to solve these mysteries.

Located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory near Amado, Arizona, VERITAS is an observatory built to study gamma rays from extreme astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. VERITAS scans the night sky searching for remnants of exploded stars, distant active galaxies, powerful gamma ray bursts, and evidence of mysterious dark matter particles.

GLAST is a next generation high-energy gamma-ray space observatory designed to observe celestial gamma-ray sources. The key scientific objectives of GLAST include investigating dark matter and the early universe by searching for signatures of exotic particles such as dark matter and evaporating primordial black holes.

· Axion Dark Matter Experiment:
The Axion Dark Matter experiment is an underground detector at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory searching for axions, weakly interacting particles that may make up some fraction of the dark matter in the universe.

· Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS):
AMS is a particle detector for the International Space Station that will search in space for dark matter, missing matter and antimatter. Space is full of high-energy particles of many types, collectively called "cosmic rays", many of them originating in supernova explosions in distant galaxies. AMS detects them using a huge superconducting magnet and six highly specialized, ultra-precise detectors. It will sit on the International Space Station - far above the obscuring atmosphere - and gather data for three years.

· Dark Energy Survey (DES):
The DES is a next-generation sky survey. It is directly aimed at understanding the mystery of the dark energy that physicists believe is causing the accelerated expansion of the universe.

· Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (NLCTA ):
NLCTA at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory near Menlo Park, California, is a small accelerator that is a prototype for the Next Linear Collider (NLC) accelerator design. This test facility has been run using an NLC prototype klystron and has produced electron bunch accelerations that meet the NLC design criteria. Further testing and prototyping is being carried out to design and test efficient production methods for such a structure. The NLCTA is supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program.

·Accelerator Test Facility (ATF):
ATF at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in Upton, New York, is a users facility dedicated for long-term R&D in Physics of Beams. The ATF core capabilities include a high-brightness photoinjector electron gun, a 70 MeV linac, high power lasers synchronized to the electron beam to a picosecond level, four beam lines (most with energy spectrometers) and a sophisticated computer control system. ATF users, from universities, national labs and industry, are carrying out R&D on Advanced Accelerator Physics and are studying the interactions of high power electromagnetic radiation and high brightness electron beams, including laser acceleration of electrons and Free-Electron Lasers. Other topics include the development of electron beams with extremely high brightness, photo-injectors, electron beam and radiation diagnostics and computer controls. ATF is supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program and Basic Energy Sciences program.

Nuclear Physics

· Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC):
RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory is a world-class scientific research facility that began operation in 2000, following 10 years of development and construction. Hundreds of physicists from around the world use RHIC to study what the universe may have looked like in the first few moments after its creation. RHIC drives two intersecting beams of gold ions head-on, in a subatomic collision. What physicists learn from these collisions may help us understand more about why the physical world works the way it does, from the smallest subatomic particles, to the largest stars. RHIC is supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program.

· Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF):
The CEBAF at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Laboratory), is a world-leading facility in the experimental study of hadronic matter. Based on superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) accelerating technology, CEBAF is the world's most advanced particle accelerator for investigating the quark structure of the atom's nucleus. To probe nuclei, scientists use continuous beams of high-energy electrons from CEBAF. They also use the advanced particle-detection and ultra-high-speed- data acquisition equipment in CEBAF's three experimental halls. CEBAF is supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program.

· Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF):
The HRIBF is operated as a National User Facility for the U.S. Department of Energy, producing high quality beams of short-lived, radioactive nuclei for studies of exotic nuclei and astrophysics research. These nuclei are produced when intense beams of light ions from the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (ORIC) strike highly refractory targets. The radioactive isotopes diffuse out of the production target and are ionized, formed into a beam and mass selected. This technique of radioactive ion beam production is known as the isotope separator on-line (ISOL) technique. The radioactive ion beam is then injected into the 25-MV Tandem, the world's highest voltage electrostatic accelerator. HRIBF is the only facility in the world that provides accelerated beams of shortlived, neutron-rich species. Such beams are used with a variety of spectroscopic techniques to explore the structure of exotic nuclei. HRIBF produces beams of radioactive nuclei with a wide range of easily variable energies and intensities sufficient to allow some of the first direct measurements of the nuclear reactions that power novae, X-ray bursts, and other stellar explosions.

· Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS):
ATLAS is a national user facility at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois. The ATLAS facility is a leading facility for nuclear structure research in the United States. It provides a wide range of beams for nuclear reaction and structure research to a large community of users from the US and abroad. The full range of all stable ions can be produced in ECR ion sources, accelerated in the world’s first superconducting linear accelerator for ions to energies of 7-17 MeV per nucleon and delivered to one of several target stations. About 20% of the beam-time is used to generate secondary radioactive beams. These beams are used mostly to study nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest and for nuclear structure investigations. Users of ATLAS take advantage of the existing experimental equipment such as, for example, the Canadian Penning Trap (CPT), the Fragment Mass Analyzer (FMA), the magnetic spectrograph and Gammasphere. Beam lines are also available for experiments where Users bring their own equipment. The Physics support group is available to assist the Users in all preparations for their measurements.

· Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL):
TUNL is funded by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program, with research faculty from three major universities within the Research Triangle area: Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Located on the campus of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, behind the Physics department, TUNL draws additional collaborators from many universities in the southeast, as well as from labs and universities across the country and all over the world. The primary resources at TUNL includes: (i) The High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIGS) at the Duke Free-Electron Laser Laboratory (DFELL). A storage-ring FEL is used to produce a high-intensity and monoenergetic gamma-ray beam in the energy range from 2 to 50 MeV by intracavity Compton backscattering. (ii) The Tandem Laboratory, which is a 10 MV FN tandem equipped with a variety of ion sources, beam lines and target stations. The associated polarized ion source is the most intense source of dc polarized H+ and D+ ions in the world. Unpolarized beams of protons and deuterons are available from a direct extraction negative ion source. (iii) The Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (LENA),  a facility consisting of a 200 kV high-intensity proton accelerator and a 1 MV low-intensity Van de Graaff accelerator.

· Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute:
Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute is a DOE university facility that is jointly supported by DOE’s Office of Science, High Energy and Nuclear Physics program, and the State of Texas. It is a major technical resource for the State and the Nation. Internationally recognized for its research contributions, the institute provides the primary infrastructure support for the University’s graduate programs in nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics. The Institute’s programs focus on conducting basic research, educating students in accelerator-based science and technology, and providing technical capabilities in a wide variety of applications in space science, materials science, analytical procedures, and nuclear medicine.

· University of Washington Tandem Van de Graaff:
The University of Washington tandem Van de Graaff accelerator provides precisely characterized proton beams for extended running periods for research in fundamental nuclear interactions and nuclear astrophysics. The accelerator is part of the Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) at the University of Washington in Seattle. CENPA pursues a broad program of research in nuclear physics, astrophysics and related fields. Research activities are conducted locally and at remote sites. CENPA has been a major participant in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and is presently a major participant in the KATRIN tritium beta decay experiment and the Majorana double-beta decay experiment. The current program includes “in-house” research on nuclear astrophysics and fundamental interactions using the local tandem Van de Graaff, as well as local and remote non-accelerator research on fundamental interactions and user-mode research on relativistic heavy ions at large accelerator facilities in the U.S. and Europe. CENPA also provides a unique setting for the training and education of graduate students in the U.S., where they have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of low energy nuclear research.

· The Yale University Tandem Van de Graaff:
The Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory (WNSL) at Yale University houses the world's most powerful stand-alone tandem Van de Graaff accelerator, capable of terminal voltages up to 20 MV. There are active Tandem-based research programs in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics, and a relativistic heavy ion physics program centered at RHIC and CERN. The nuclear structure group studies the structural evolution of the atomic nucleus as a function of proton and neutron number. The nuclear astrophysics program centers on the study of the nuclear reactions involved in explosive nucleosynthesis. The relativistic heavy ion group at WNSL participates in the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and in the ALICE Experiment at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics Research (CERN). Both these experiments search for signatures of quark-gluon plasma formation.

· The 88-Inch Cyclotron:
The 88-Inch Cyclotron, located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), supports ongoing research programs in nuclear structure, astrophysics, heavy element studies, fundamental interactions, symmetries, and technology R&D by LBNL and U.C. Berkeley. Education of the next generation of scientists is an important mission. Major instrumentation under development at the 88-Inch Cyclotron includes GRETINA, the next generation Gamma Ray Energy Tracking Array, and VENUS, a third-generation superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source, which is the prototype for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). The BASE Facility provides well-characterized beams of protons, heavy ions and other medium energy particles which simulate the space environment. The National Security Space (NSS) community and researchers from other government, university, commercial and international institutions use these beams to understand the effect of radiation on microelectronics, optics, materials, and cells.



Scientific User Facilities



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