





ORDER NO.  3278


SIGNATURE DATE:  September 26, 2008


Subject:  Transfer of the Wildland Fire Management Account from the Bureau of Land Management into the Office of the Secretary


Sec. 1  Purpose.  This Order transfers the Wildland Fire Management account, including all financial and budget operations, from the Bureau of Land Management to the Office of the Secretary.  The transfer will consolidate financial, budgetary, and programmatic oversight within one organization, at the Department level, to reflect the Department-wide nature of the wildland fire management program.  The transfer will ensure implementation of the wildland fire management program in a coordinated and seamless manner.   


Sec. 2  Authority.  This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat.1262), as amended.


Sec. 3  Implementation.  The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is responsible for implementing this Order. 


          a.       The responsibility for management of the Wildland Fire Management account is assigned to the Office of Wildland Fire Coordination.


          b.       The transfer of management of the Wildland Fire Management account to the Office of the Secretary will be effective October 1, 2008.


          c.       The Department’s Office of Wildland Fire Coordination, Office of Budget, and Office of Financial Management will execute the specific actions necessary to implement the transfer of the account.


Sec. 4  Expiration Date.  This Order is effective immediately.  It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked, whichever occurs first.  In the absence of any of the foregoing actions, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on September 30, 2009.  The termination of this Order will not nullify the transfer effected herein.




                                                                                               /s/ DIRK KEMPTHORNE

                                                                                               Secretary of the Interior


SO#3278 9/26/08