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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 4, April 2003
Environmental Health Perspectives April 2003 On The Cover: Human beings seem drawn to the water, but the relationship may not always be mutually beneficial. The Focus (p. A216) describes environmental problems resulting from the ever-increasing use of waterways for pleasure boating and recreation.
image credit: Corbis

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  • Problems in the Wake of Pleasure Boating
    A 216
  • High Health Cost of Eating Expensive Fish
    A 233 & 604
  • Pinpointing a Mechanism of Asbestos Toxicity

In This Issue

In the May Issue



  • Marine Pollution: The Future Challenge Is to Link Human and Wildlife Studies
    Bjørn Munro Jenssen
    p. A 198

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  • Comment on "Sexual Maturation in Relation to Polychlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Sharpe and Skakkebaek's Hypothesis Revisited"
  • "Sexual Maturation in Relation to Polychlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons...": Den Hond et al.'s Response
  • Declaring Chemicals "Not Carcinogenic to Humans" Requires Validation, Not Speculation
    p. A 202

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  • EPA: Funding and Pollution Problems Persist
  • Is Sewage Destroying Coral?
  • Plastic Bags--Prolific Problems
  • Hot Nights in the City
  • EHPnet: American Boating Association Clean Boating and Environmental Stewardship
  • The Beat
    p. A 206

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  • Bringing Science to Justices
  • Coming Together for Children
  • Headliners: Understanding Effects of Organic Diesel Exhaust Particles
    p. A 210

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  • The Environmental Pain of Pleasure Boating
  • Ocean Centers to Dive into the Mysteries of the Deep
    p. A 216

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Spheres of Influence

  • Messenger from the White House: Council on Environmental Quality
    p. A 224

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  • Fuel Damage from Flooding: Finding a Fix
    p. A 228

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Science Selections
  • Estrogens in Coastal Waters
  • Childhood Leukemia
  • A Diet Rich in Fish
    p. A 232

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  • Cancer and Developmental Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors
    Linda S. Birnbaum and Suzanne E. Fenton
    p. 389

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  • Altered Profiles of Spontaneous Novelty Seeking, Impulsive Behavior, and Response to d-Amphetamine in Rats Perinatally Exposed to Bisphenol A
    Walter Adriani, Daniele Della Seta, Francesco Dessì-Fulgheri, Francesca Farabollini, and Giovanni Laviola
    p. 395

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  • Inhalation of Concentrated Ambient Air Particles Exacerbates Myocardial Ischemia in Conscious Dogs
    Gregory A. Wellenius, Brent A. Coull, John J. Godleski, Petros Koutrakis, Kazunori Okabe, Sara T. Savage, Joy E. Lawrence, G. G. Krishna Murthy, and Richard L. Verrier
    p. 402

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  • Serum Levels of 2,2´,4,4´,5,5´-Hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) in Relation to Markers of Reproductive Function in Young Males from the General Swedish Population
    Jonas Richthoff, Lars Rylander, Bo A. G. Jönsson, Heléne Åkesson, Lars Hagmar, Peter Nilsson-Ehle, Mats Stridsberg, and Aleksander Giwercman
    p. 409

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  • Geographic Differences in Semen Quality of Fertile U.S. Males
    Shanna H. Swan, Charlene Brazil, Erma Z. Drobnis, Fan Liu, Robin L. Kruse, Maureen Hatch, J. Bruce Redmon, Christina Wang, James W. Overstreet, and The Study for Future Families Research Group
    p. 414

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  • Inequalities in Health: The Value of Sex-Related Indicators
    Romualdo Benigni
    p. 421

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  • The Biocide Tributyltin Reduces the Accumulation of Testosterone as Fatty Acid Esters in the Mud Snail (Ilyanassa obsoleta)
    Meredith P. Gooding, Vickie S. Wilson, Leroy C. Folmar, Dragoslav T. Marcovich, and Gerald A. LeBlanc
    p. 426

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  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Reproductive Hormones in Female Polar Bears at Svalbard
    Marte Haave, Erik Ropstad, Andrew E. Derocher, Elisabeth Lie, Ellen Dahl, Øystein Wiig, Janneche U. Skaare, and Bjørn Munro Jenssen
    p. 431

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  • Assessing Human Polychlorinated Biphenyl Contamination for Epidemiologic Studies: Lessons from Patterns of Congener Concentrations in Canadians in 1992
    Beth C. Gladen, Josée Doucet, and Larry G. Hansen
    p. 437

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  • The Role of Transgenic Mouse Models in Carcinogen Identification
    John B. Pritchard, John E. French, Barbara J. Davis, and Joseph K. Haseman
    p. 444

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  • Ultrafine Particulate Pollutants Induce Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Damage
    Ning Li, Constantinos Sioutas, Arthur Cho, Debra Schmitz, Chandan Misra, Joan Sempf, Meiying Wang, Terry Oberley, John Froines, and Andre Nel
    p. 455

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  • Disruption of Androgen Regulation in the Prostate by the Environmental Contaminant Hexachlorobenzene
    Jody L. Ralph, Marie-Claire Orgebin-Crist, Jean-Jacques Lareyre, and Colleen C. Nelson
    p. 461

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  • DNA Damage Associated with Ultrastructural Alterations in Rat Myocardium after Loud Noise Exposure
    Paola Lenzi, Giada Frenzilli, Marco Gesi, Michela Ferrucci, Gloria Lazzeri, Francesco Fornai, and Marco Nigro
    p. 467

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  • The Upper Airway Response to Pollen Is Enhanced by Exposure to Combustion Particulates: A Pilot Human Experimental Challenge Study
    Russ Hauser, Timothy M. Rice, G. G. Krishna Murthy, Matt P. Wand, Daniel Lewis, Toni Bledsoe, and Joseph Paulauskis
    p. 472

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  • Effects of Submicrometer Particle Compositions on Cytokine Production and Lipid Peroxidation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
    Song-Lih Huang, Miao-Kan Hsu, and Chang-Chuan Chan
    p. 478

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  • Emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Carcinogenic Potencies from Cooking Sources to the Urban Atmosphere
    Chun-The Li, Yuan-Chung Lin, Wen-Jhy Lee, and Perng-Jy Tsai
    p. 483

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  • Environmental Estrogens Alter Early Development in Xenopus laevis
    Cassandra L. Bevan, Donna M. Porter, Anita Prasad, Marthe J. Howard, and Leslie P. Henderson
    p. 488

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  • Effects of a Diphenyl Ether-type Herbicide, Chlornitrofen, and Its Amino Derivative on Androgen and Estrogen Receptor Activities
    Hiroyuki Kojima, Mitsuru Iida, Eiji Katsura, Akio Kanetoshi, Yoshihiro Hori, and Kunihiko Kobayashi
    p. 497

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  • Antiandrogenic Activity and Metabolism of the Organophosphorus Pesticide Fenthion and Related Compounds
    Shigeyuki Kitamura, Tomoharu Suzuki, Shigeru Ohta, and Nariaki Fujimoto
    p. 503

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  • Phosphorylation of p53 Protein in A549 Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cells Exposed to Asbestos Fibers
    Masato Matsuoka, Hideki Igisu, and Yasuo Morimoto
    p. 509

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  • Arsenic-Induced Dysfunction in Relaxation of Blood Vessels
    Moo-Yeol Lee, Byung-In Jung, Seung-Min Chung, Ok-Nam Bae, Joo-Young Lee, Jung-Duck Park, Ji-Sun Yang, Hyomin Lee, and Jin-Ho Chung
    p. 513

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  • Ecologic Analysis of Some Immune-Related Disorders, Including Type 1 Diabetes, in Australia: Latitude, Regional Ultraviolet Radiation, and Disease Prevalence
    udith A. Staples, Anne-Louise Ponsonby, Lynette L-Y. Lim, and Anthony J. McMichael
    p. 518

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  • Alteration of Pulmonary Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes by Diesel Exhaust Particles (DEPs). II. Effects of DEPs on T-Cell-Mediated Immune Responses in Rats
    Xue-Jun Yin, Rosana Schafer, Jane Y. C. Ma, James M. Antonini, Jenny R. Roberts, David N. Weissman, Paul D. Siegel, and Joseph K. H. Mai
    p. 524

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  • Estrogens from Sewage in Coastal Marine Environments
    Shannon Atkinson, Marlin J. Atkinson, and Ann M. Tarrant
    p. 531

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  • Fetal Chlorpyrifos Exposure: Adverse Effects on Brain Cell Development and Cholinergic Biomarkers Emerge Postnatally and Continue into Adolescence and Adulthood
    Dan Qiao, Frederic J. Seidler, Charlotte A. Tate, Mandy M. Cousins, and Theodore A. Slotkin
    p. 536

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  • Interaction of Organophosphate Pesticides and Related Compounds with the Androgen Receptor
    Hiroto Tamura, Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Kevin W. Gaido, Susan M. Ross, Robert K. DeLisle, William J. Welsh, and Ann M. Richard
    p. 545

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  • Effects of Chinese Domestic Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) on Gonadal Differentiation in Xenopus laevis
    Zhan-Fen Qin, Jing-Ming Zhou, Shao-Gang Chu, and Xiao-Bai Xu
    p. 553

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  • Exposure to 4-tert-Octylphenol Accelerates Sexual Differentiation and Disrupts Expression of Steroidogenic Factor 1 in Developing Bullfrogs
    Loretta P. Mayer, Cheryl A. Dyer, and Catherine R. Propper
    p. 557

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  • Particulate Matter, Sulfur Dioxide, and Daily Mortality in Chongqing, China
    Scott A. Venners, Binyan Wang, Zhonggui Peng, Yu Xu, Lihua Wang, and Xiping Xu
    p. 562

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  • Atrazine-Induced Hermaphroditism at 0.1 ppb in American Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens): Laboratory and Field Evidence
    Tyrone Hayes, Kelly Haston, Mable Tsui, Anhthu Hoang, Cathryn Haeffele, and Aaron Vonk
    p. 568

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Meeting Reports
  • Hair Analysis: Exploring the State of the Science
    Deanna K. Harkins and Allan S. Susten
    p. 576

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  • Consensus Workshop on Methods to Evaluate Developmental Immunotoxicity
    Michael I. Luster, Jack H. Dean, and Dori R. Germolec
    p. 579

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Workgroup Report
  • An Occupational Reproductive Research Agenda for the Third Millennium
    Christina C. Lawson, Teresa M. Schnorr, George P. Daston, Barbara Grajewski, Michele Marcus, Melissa McDiarmid, Eisuke Murono, Sally D. Perreault, Steven M. Schrader, and Michael Shelby
    p. 584

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Environmental Medicine


  • A Practice Approach for Identifying Previously Unsuspected Environmental Contributors to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Complex Diseases
    Morris W. Foster and Christopher E. Aston
    p. 593

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  • Evaluation of Recreational Health Risk in Coastal Waters Based on Enterococcus Densities and Bathing Patterns
    David J. Turbow, Nathaniel D. Osgood, and Sunny C. Jiang
    p. 598

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  • Mercury Levels in High-End Consumers of Fish
    Jane M. Hightower and Dan Moore
    p. 604

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  • Cancer Risks in Naval Divers with Multiple Exposures to Carcinogens
    Elihu D. Richter, Lee S. Friedman, Yuval Tamir, Tamar Berman, Or Levy, Jerome B. Westin, and Tamar Peretz
    p. 609

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  • Bone Resorption Is Affected by Follicular Phase Length in Female Rotating Shift Workers
    Pete N. Lohstroh, Jiangang Chen, Jianming Ba, Louise M. Ryan, Xiping Xu, James W. Overstreet, and Bill L. Lasley
    p. 618

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  • Evaluation of Mercury in Urine as an Indicator of Exposure to Low Levels of Mercury Vapor
    Joyce S. Tsuji, Pamela R.D. Williams, Melanie R. Edwards, Krishna P. Allamneni, Michael A. Kelsh, Dennis J. Paustenbach, and Patrick J. Sheehan
    p. 623

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  • Relationship of Blood and Bone Lead to Menopause and Bone Mineral Density among Middle-Age Women in Mexico City
    Francisco Garrido Latorre, Mauricio Hernández-Avila, Juan Tamayo Orozco, Carlos A. Albores Medina, Antonio Aro, Eduardo Palazuelos, and Howard Hu
    p. 631

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  • Methyl Mercury and Inorganic Mercury in Swedish Pregnant Women and in Cord Blood: Influence of Fish Consumption
    K. Ask Björnberg, M. Vahter, K. Petersson-Grawé, A. Glynn, S. Cnattingius, P. O. Darnerud, S. Atuma, M. Aune, W. Becker, and M. Berglund
    p. 637

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Children's Health


  • The National Children's Study of Environmental Effects on Child Health and Development
    The National Children's Study Interagency Coordinating Committee
    p. 642

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  • Asthma Symptoms in Hispanic Children and Daily Ambient Exposures to Toxic and Criteria Air Pollutants
    Ralph J. Delfino, Henry Gong, Jr., William S. Linn, Edo D. Pellizzari, and Ye Hu
    p. 647

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  • Presence of Asthma Risk Factors and Environmental Exposures Related to Upper Respiratory Infection-Triggered Wheezing in Middle School-Age Children
    Mark Sotir, Karin Yeatts, and Carl Shy
    p. 657

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  • Childhood Cancer Incidence Rates and Hazardous Air Pollutants in California: An Exploratory Analysis
    Peggy Reynolds, Julie Von Behren, Robert B. Gunier, Debbie E. Goldberg, Andrew Hertz, and Daniel F. Smith
    p. 663

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  • NIEHS Extramural Update
    p. A 237
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Updated: Mon, 2003 March 24

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