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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 2, February 2003
Environmental Health Perspectives February 2003 On The Cover: Testing for allergenicity has become even more important as concerns grow about genetically modified foods. The Mini-Monograph (p. 221-254) in this issue examines the progress being made in developing animal and alternative models for food allergenicity.
image credit: PhotoDisc, Photos-to-Go, Joseph Tart/EHP

Purchase This Issue

  • Seeking Shelter: An Expanding Crisis
    A 92
  • Big Cities & Small Babies: Pollution Affects Birth Weight
    A 110, A 111, 201, & 207
  • Mini-Monograph
    Food Allergenicity: Predicting the Potential

In This Issue

In the March Issue



  • Reversing Urban Decay: Brownfield Redevelopment and Environmental Health
    Michael R. Greenberg
    p. A 74

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  • Chronic Lyme Disease: Psychogenic Fantasy or Somatic Infection?
  • Chronic Lyme Disease: It's Not All in Our Heads
  • Chronic Lyme Disease: Sigal and Hassett's Response
  • Cancer in Beluga from the St. Lawrence Estuary
  • Cancer in Beluga: Response
    p. A 76

    [HTML] [ PDF]



  • Double Jeopardy?
  • A Luxury Tax on Energy
  • Vampire Appliances
  • High-Tech Habitats
  • EHPnet: Habitat International Coalition
  • The Beat
    p. A 84

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  • Growing Pains for Environmental Justice Movement
  • Dust Busters Gather
  • Headliners: Higher Risk of Congestive Heart Failure in Blacks: Genetics May Be Responsible
    p. A 88

    [HTML] [ PDF]

  • Give Me Shelter: The Global Housing Crisis
    p. A 92

    [HTML] [ PDF]

Spheres of Influence

  • Mold Insurance: Crafting Coverage for a Spreading Problem
    p. A 100

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Science Selections
  • Size in the City
  • Bisphenol Aggression
  • Life near the Fast Lane
    p. A 110

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    • Ethical Perspectives for Public and Environmental Health: Fostering Autonomy and the Right to Know
      Timothy William Lambert et al.
      p. 133

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Mechanisms of Phthalate Ester Toxicity in the Female Reproductive System
      Tara Lovekamp-Swan and Barbara J. Davis
      p. 139

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats
      Tsun-Jen Cheng et al.
      p. 147

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Urinary Levels of Trichloroacetic Acid, a Disinfection By-Product in Chlorinated Drinking Water, in a Human Reference Population
      Antonia M. Calafat et al.
      p. 151

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Prevalence of Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus and Related Vascular Diseases in Southwestern Arseniasis-Endemic and Nonendemic Areas in Taiwan
      Shu-Li Wang et al.
      p. 155

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Personal PM2.5 Exposure and Markers of Oxidative Stress in Blood
      Mette Sørensen et al.
      p. 161

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Perchloroethylene-Contaminated Drinking Water and the Risk of Breast Cancer: Additional Results from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
      Ann Aschengrau et al.
      p. 167

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Aggressive Behavior and Serum Testosterone Concentration during the Maturation Process of Male Mice: The Effects of Fetal Exposure to Bisphenol A
      Keisuke Kawai et al.
      p. 175

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Prediagnostic Serum Organochlorines: ß-Hexachlorocyclohexane, Chlordane/Heptachlor-Related Compounds, Dieldrin, and Hexachlorobenzene
      Kenneth P. Cantor et al.
      p. 179

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    Environmental Medicine

    • The High Cost of Improper Removal of Lead-Based Paint from Housing: A Case Report
      David E. Jacobs et al.
      p. 185

      [HTML] [ PDF]


    • Hair and Toenail Arsenic Concentrations of Residents Living in Areas with High Environmental Arsenic Concentrations
      Andrea L. Hinwood et al.
      p. 187

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    Children's Health

    • Maternal Blood Lead Concentration, Diet During Pregnancy, and Anthropometry Predict Neonatal Blood Lead in a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Population
      Lawrence M. Schell et al.
      p. 195

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Effects of Transplacental Exposure to Environmental Pollutants on Birth Outcomes in a Multiethnic Population
      Frederica P. Perera et al.
      p. 201

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    • Residential Proximity to Traffic and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Los Angeles County, California, 1994-1996
      Michelle Wilhelm and Beate Ritz
      p. 207

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    • Modification of Immune Function through Exposure to Dietary Aflatoxin in Gambian Children
      Paul C. Turner et al.
      p. 217

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    Mini-Monograph: Allergenicity Models

    • Animal Models to Detect Allergenicity to Foods and Genetically Modified Products: Workshop Summary
      Helen Tryphonas et al.
      p. 221

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    • Food Allergy: An Overview
      Rhoda Sheryl Kagan
      p. 223

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Assessment of the Inherent Allergenic Potential of Proteins in Mice
      Ian Kimber et al.
      p. 227

      [HTML] [ PDF]

    • Assessment of the Allergic Potential of Food Protein Extracts and Proteins on Oral Application Using the Brown Norway Rat Model
      Léon M.J. Knippels and André H. Penninks
      p. 233

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    • Nonmurine Animal Models of Food Allergy
      Ricki M. Helm et al.
      p. 239

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    • Identification of Antigenic Epitopes on Human Allergens: Studies with HLA Transgenic Mice
      Svetlana P. Chapoval and Chella S. David
      p. 245

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    • A Human Dendritic Cell-Based Method to Identify CD4+ T-Cell Epitopes in Potential Protein Allergens
      Marcia Stickler et al.
      p. 251

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Updated: Tues, 2003 January 28

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