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US Army Corps of Engineers plans Earth Day activities worldwide
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US Army Corps of Engineers plans Earth Day activities worldwide 
By Candice M. Walters, USACE Headquarters Public Affairs 

US Army Corps of Engineers 2009 Earth Day posterFor the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Earth Day is not just observed on April 22, but marked by numerous events and activities throughout the spring.  Employees are planning and participating in many activities as the 39th anniversary of Earth Day nears. They embrace the Army's Earth Day theme of "Sustaining the Environment for a Secure Future."

With world-renowed experts on sustainablility, classrooms in the parks, tree planting, trash pickup, contests and bike rides - the Corps of Engineers is celebrating Earth Day 2009.

Corps employees know that actions speak louder than words when it comes to environmental stewardship and sustainability. As they have for the past three decades, they are giving their time and energy to celebrate Earth Day - by heading outside to clean up recreation areas or plant trees, or by working with students to ensure that they learn about the importance of being good stewards of the environment.

Activities abound in April and May, while some have already occurred.  For a rundown of USACE Earth Day observances from Coralville, Iowa, to Ansbach, Germany, and from Honolulu to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., see the Corps Environment.

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