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You are here: Topics > Biological and physical processes > Ecological processes > Ecosystem functions
Wetland functions
Processes related to wetlands such as support of ecosystems, evaporation effects on weather, nutrient cycles, etc.
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Results 1 - 5 of 5 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Pautuxent Wildlife Research Center - Wetlands and other communities [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on projects at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center researching wetland ecology and ecosystem management in Eastern United States.
The fragile fringe: a guide for teaching about coastal wetlands [New Window]
Teacher's guide on coastal wetlands to aid in developing lesson plans for different levels of grade school and high school students. Includes general information, activities, references, and glossary.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [New Window]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Determinants of breeding distributions of ducks [New Window]
Article from Wildlife Monographs no. 100 (1988) on the relationships of wetland habitat dynamics and life history to the breeding distributions of the various species of ducks with information on research methods and references.
Tides and inflows in the mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) [New Window]
Links for the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) project on the effects of freshwater and tidal flows on the Everglades mangroves. With links to software & manuals, time data, photos, animations, and bibliography.

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