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2008 IFDPs

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2008-962 (December 2008)
Uncertainty Over Models and Data: The Rise and Fall of American Inflation
Seth Pruitt
Abstract and related information | Full paper(563 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-961 (December 2008)
Fiscal Policy in the European Monetary Union
Betty C. Daniel and Christos Shiamptanis
Abstract and related information | Full paper(227 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-960 (December 2008)
Sudden Stops, Financial Crises and Leverage: A Fisherian Deflation of Tobin's Q*
Enrique G. Mendoza
Abstract and related information | Full paper(498 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-959 (November 2008)
The Fragility of Sensitivity Analysis: An Encompassing Perspective
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(249 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-958 ( November 2008)
Home Computers and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the NLSY97 and CPS
Daniel O. Beltran, Kuntal K. Das, and Robert W. Fairlie
Abstract and related information | Full paper(290 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-957 (November 2008)
Do Energy Prices Respond to U.S. Macroeconomic News? A Test of the Hypothesis of Predetermined Energy Prices
Lutz Kilian and Clara Vega
Abstract and related information | Full paper(114 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-956 (November 2008)
A Non-Random Walk Revisited: Short- and Long-Term Memory in Asset Prices
Paul Eitelman and Justin Vitanza
Abstract and related information | Full paper(540 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-955 (November 2008)
Estimating the Parameters of a Small Open Economy DSGE Model: Identifiability and Inferential Validity
Daniel O. Beltran and David Draper
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1582 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-954 (November 2008)
Housing Market Risks in the United Kingdom
Robert F. Martin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(299 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-953 (October 2008)
Testing the Expectations Hypothesis When Interest Rates are Near Integrated
Meredith Beechey, Erik Hjalmarsson, and Par Osterholm
Abstract and related information | Full paper(242 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-952 (October 2008)
Do Fundamentals Explain the International Impact of U.S. Interest Rates? Evidence at the Firm Level
John Ammer, Clara Vega, and Jon Wongswan
Abstract and related information | Full paper(340 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-951 (October 2008)
Soft Information in Earnings Announcements: News or Noise?
Elizabeth Demers and Clara Vega
Abstract and related information | Full paper(322 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-950 (October 2008)
Assessing the Potential for Further Foreign Demand for U.S. Assets: Has Financing U.S. Current Account Deficits Made Foreign Investors Overweight in U.S. Securities?
Carol C. Bertaut
Abstract and related information | Full paper(663 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-949 (September 2008)
Expected Consumption Growth from Cross-Country Surveys: Implications for Assessing International Capital Markets
Charles Engel and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(406 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-948 (September 2008)
Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: A Generalization
James M. Nason and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(418 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-947 (September 2008)
Current Account Sustainability and Relative Reliability
Stephanie E. Curcuru, Charles P. Thomas, and Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper(245 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-946 (September 2008)
Emerging Market Business Cycles with Remittance Fluctuations
Ceyhun Bora Durdu and Serdar Sayan
Abstract and related information | Full paper(320 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-945 (September 2008)
Escape From New York: The Market Impact of SEC Rule 12h-6
Nuno Fernandes, Ugur Lel, and Darius P. Miller
Abstract and related information | Full paper(185 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-944 (September 2008)
The Macroeconomic Effect of External Pressures on Monetary Policy
Davide Debortoli and Ricardo Nunes
Abstract and related information | Full paper(295 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-943 (September 2008)
Constructive Data Mining: Modeling Argentine Broad Money Demand
Neil R. Ericsson and Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(306 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-942 (August 2008)
The Asian Financial Crisis, Uphill Flow of Capital, and Global Imbalances: Evidence from a Micro Study
Brahima Coulibaly and Jonathan Millar
Abstract and related information | Full paper(283 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-941 (August 2008)
Optimal Monetary Policy with Distinct Core and Headline Inflation Rates
Martin Bodenstein, Christopher J. Erceg, and Luca Guerrieri
Abstract and related information | Full paper(282 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-940 (August 2008)
Friends or Foes? The Stock Price Impact of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments and the Price of Keeping Secrets
Jason Kotter and Ugur Lel
Abstract and related information | Full paper(344 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-939 (August 2008)
Foreign Exposure to Asset-Backed Securities of U.S. Origin
Daniel O. Beltran, Laurie Pounder, and Charles Thomas
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1639 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-938 (July 2008)
Political Disagreement, Lack of Commitment and the Level of Debt
Davide Debortoli and Ricardo Nunes
Abstract and related information | Full paper(321 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-937 (July 2008)
Simple Monetary Rules Under Fiscal Dominance
Michael Kumhof, Ricardo Nunes, and Irina Yakadina
Abstract and related information | Full paper(509 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-936 (July 2008)
An Anatomy of Credit Booms: Evidence From Macro Aggregates and Micro Data
Enrique G. Mendoza and Marco E. Terrones
Abstract and related information | Full paper(472 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-935 (July 2008)
How Long Can the Unsustainable U.S. Current Account Deficit Be Sustained?
Carol C. Bertaut, Steven B. Kamin, and Charles P. Thomas
Abstract and related information | Full paper(534 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-934 (June 2008)
Trade Elasticity of Substitution and Equilibrium Dynamics
Martin Bodenstein
Abstract and related information | Full paper(497 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-933 (June 2008)
Predicting Global Stock Returns
Erik Hjalmarsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(734 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-932 (June 2008)
Jackknifing Stock Return Predictions
Benjamin Chiquoine and Erik Hjalmarsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(226 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-931 (June 2008)
Housing, Home Production, and the Equity and Value Premium Puzzles
Morris A. Davis and Robert F. Martin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(298 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-930 (May 2008)
Why Do U.S. Cross-Listings Matter?
John Ammer, Sara B. Holland, David C. Smith, and Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper(236 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-929 (April 2008)
Competitive Search Equilibrium in a DSGE Model
David M. Arseneau and Sanjay K. Chugh
Abstract and related information | Full paper(262 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-928 (April 2008)
Interpreting Long-Horizon Estimates in Predictive Regressions
Erik Hjalmarsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(274 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-927 (Apriil 2008)
Emerging Market Business Cycles Revisited: Learning about the Trend
Emine Boz, Christian Daude, and Ceyhun Bora Durdu
Abstract and related information | Full paper(385 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-926 (April 2008)
Predicting Cycles in Economic Activity
Jane Haltmaier
Abstract and related information | Full paper(2164 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-925 (March 2008)
Bank Integration and Financial Constraints: Evidence from U.S. Firms
Ricardo Correa
Abstract and related information | Full paper(323 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-924 (March 2008)
A Solution to the Default Risk-Business Cycle Disconnect
Enrique G. Mandoza and Vivian Z. Yue
Abstract and related information | Full paper(417 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-923 (March 2008)
Do Differences in Financial Development Explain the Global Pattern of Current Account Imbalances?
Joseph W. Gruber and Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(790 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-922 (March 2008)
Cross-border Bank Acquisitions: Is there a Performance Effect?
Ricardo Correa
Abstract and related information | Full paper(494 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-921 (February 2008)
Cross-Border Returns Differentials
Stephanie E. Curcuru, Tomas Dvorak, and Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper(165 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-920 (February 2008)
On the Application of Automatic Differentiation to the Likelihood Function for Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Houtan Bastani and Luca Guerrieri
Abstract and related information | Full paper(192 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-919 (January 2008)
Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Customer Markets
David M. Arseneau and Sanjay K. Chugh
Abstract and related information | Full paper(461 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-918 (January 2008)
International Competition and Inflation: A New Keynesian Perspective
Luca Guerrieri, Christopher Gust, and David Lopez-Salido
Abstract and related information | Full paper(321 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2008-917 (January 2008)
Measuring U.S. International Relative Prices: A WARP View of the World
Charles P. Thomas, Jaime Marquez, and Sean Fahle
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1306 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

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