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start talking » Can we discuss Miss California for a minute? What are your thoughts on the whole brouhaha? Do you think there was any possible right answer to that question?
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Twirl Power

ribboncombo3copys.jpgIf your daughter had her way, she would wear her ballet recital costume every day. Unfortunately, last year’s tutu is too too worn out. Restock her dress-up supply at Tutu Girl, a virtual warehouse of tulle and satin ribbon. A wide ...

05.14.09, 12:38 PM

Doctor in the House
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Weekend Events

thumbs-hc-cinderella.jpgThis weekend: Join the circus. NY FitMama Join fitness experts for a day in the park to try new kinds of exercise, chat with other moms, find new motivation and tips, and work up a sweat. Bring your own mat, and babies ages 6 weeks to pre-craw ...

05.14.09, 12:06 PM

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Playground Report: Noe Valley Playground

noe_valley_playground.jpgThere isn’t much to the Noe Valley Courts & Playground, an exceedingly small slice of recreation carved out of a corner lot on 24th Street and Douglass. There’s a recycled-rubber-covered play area with a very short play structure, ...

05.13.09, 01:00 PM

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The Kid's Menu

CHOW: School Lunch Obsessive

School Lunch Revolutionary

Ann Cooper wants your kid to eat well...

Make your Own Baby Food
Baby Food Taste-Off