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Victim Witness Program

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About the Victim-Witness Program

The mission of the Victim-Witness Program for the U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Washington, is to respond to the needs and uphold the rights of victims and witnesses, and to implement and carry out the requirements of federal law and Department of Justice regulations.

The Victim-Witness Program is designed to provide federal crime victims and witnesses with information, services and support during federal prosecution. Our office is committed to ensuring that victims and witnesses of crime are treated fairly throughout their contact with the federal criminal justice system.

The United States Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney's Office have taken several steps to make the participation by victims of crime and witnesses more effective and meaningful. One of these steps is the creation of this web section. We hope that it will provide you with the answers to many of your questions, and give you sufficient information to understand your rights and responsibilities.

In response to the 1981 President's Task Force on Violent Crime, and the Victim and Witness Protection Act (VWPA) of 1982, victim and witness assistance in the federal government was assigned to the U.S. Attorney's Office. A Victim-Witness Coordinator was appointed for each U.S. Attorney's Office to ensure compliance with the VWPA. The Attorney General of the United States established guidelines pursuant to the VWPA of 1982, and subsequent statutes have been enacted to further enhance and ensure additional rights and protections to victims and witnesses.

The VWPA was enacted "to enhance and protect the necessary role of crime victims and witnesses in the criminal justice process; to ensure that the Federal government does all that is possible within limits of available resources to assist victims and witnesses of crime without infringing on the constitutional rights of defendants; and to provide a model for legislation for state and local governments."


Contact Information

Victim-Witness Program Staff:

Debbie Lee
Victim-Witness Coordinator
(206) 553-1164

Maggie Land
Victim-Witness Specialist
(206) 553-2906

Toll-free line: (800) 797-6722