Climate Monitoring / June / Global Hazards / Selected Extremes / Help

Selected U.S. City
and State Extremes

June 2006

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC.
June Station or State Monthly Records
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    This is the Top of the Page Icon Temperature / Dewpoint

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Sidney, NE Maximum daily temp for the month June 14, 2006 105°F 103°F June 20, 1989
    Sidney, NE Earliest Maximum temp >=105°F June 14, 2006 105°F 106°F July 7, 1973
    Denver, CO Tied Earliest Triple-Digit Heat June 14, 2006 102°F 102°F June 23, 1954
    Houston Intercontinental Airport, TX Earliest Triple-Digit Heat June 13, 2006 100°F 100°F June 14, 1998
    State Airport, Cold Bay, AK Daily Minimum temp for the month June 22, 2006 27°F N/A N/A
    Red Bluff Airport, CA Daily maximum temp for the month June 25, 2006 117°F 115°F June 24, 2006
    Redding Airport, CA Daily maximum temp for the month June 25, 2006 117°F 115°F June 24, 2006
    Portland Airport, OR Daily maximum temp for the month June 26, 2006 102°F 101°F June 25,2006
    Hillsboro, OR Tied daily maximum temp for the month June 26, 2006 102°F 102°F June 23, 1992
    Denver, CO Most 90 Degree day temp for the month June 30, 2006 19 days 17 days June 2002
    Las Vegas, NV Warmest June on record June 2006 avg temp of
    avg temp of
    June 1994
    Las Vegas, NV Highest avg minimum temp for June June 2006 avg temp of
    avg temp of
    June 2000
    Cheyenne, WY Warmest June on Record June 2006 avg temp of
    avg temp of
    June 2002

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Rainfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Corpus Christi Int'l Airport, TX Maximum daily precip for the month June 1, 2006 8.62 inches 8.03 inches June 27, 1931
    Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay, AK Daily max precip for the month June 22, 2006 0.75 inches 0.58 inches June 1987
    Delta Junction, AK All-time max daily precip June 23, 2006 2.73 inches 2.06 inches July 21, 1975
    Binghamton, NY All-time max daily precip June 27, 2006 3.70 inches 3.57 inches June 16, 2001
    Albany, NY Wettest June on record as of June 29, 2006 8.74 inches 8.70 inches June 1862
    Blacksburg, VA Wettest June on record June 2006 10.96 inches 8.66 inches July 1976
    Binghamton, NY All-time wettest month June 2006 11.45 inches 9.66 inches September 1977
    Philadelphia, PA Fourth Wettest June on record June 2006 7.95 inches 7.88 inches June 1973
    ; the wettest June occurred in 1938 with 10.06 inches
    Wilmington, DE Second Wettest June on record June 2006 9.40 inches 8.37 inches June 1935
    ; the wettest June occurred in 1920 with 9.90 inches
    Atlantic City, NJ Eighth Wettest June on record June 2006 5.05 inches 5.04 inches June 1930
    ; the wettest June occurred in 1920 with 8.45 inches
    Allentown, NJ Second Wettest June on record June 2006 9.13 inches 8.58 inches June 1972
    ; the wettest June occurred in 1938 with 10.51 inches
    Trenton, NJ Third Wettest June on record June 2006 8.57 inches 8.10 inches June 1989
    ; the wettest June occurred in 1996 with 13.80 inches

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Snowfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Wind

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Pressure

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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