Federal Aviation Administration

Alaskan Airspace Rulemaking Notices

Updated: 11:32 am ET May 1, 2009

Update May 1, 2009: Proposed Establishment of class E airspace, Oooguruk, AK

Update February 24, 2009: Class E Final Rules for Galena, King Salmon, Umiat and Establishment of a Colored Federal Airway

Update February 12, 2009: Alaskan RNAV Airways NRPM

Update February 2, 2009: Removed New Stuyahok (now charted).

NPRM - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Federal Register Document seeking public comment.
Final Rules - Will remain posted until updated on Aeronautical Sectional Charts.

The Final Rule actions listed below will be posted until subsequent charting changes have been published. This can take up to a year in some cases. Controlled airspace changes are also published in the Alaska Supplement's Notices (Section C) under Aeronautical Chart Bulletin updates. This section updates the pending changes to the VFR Sectional Charts.

Status City Notes
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace, Oooguruk, Alaska Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposed Establishment, Revision and Removal of Area Navigation (RNAv) Routes; Alaska Final Rule Pending
Final Rule Pending Proposed Removal and Modification of VOR Federal Airways; Alaska
Final Rule Proposed Revision of Class D and E Airspace at King Salmon; Alaska Eff May 7, 2009
Final Rule Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace at Umiat; Alaska Eff May 7, 2009
Final Rule Revision of Jet Routes and Federal Airways, Alaska Eff January 15, 2009
Final Rule Proposed Revision of Class E Airspace at Galena; Alaska Eff May 7, 2009
Final Rule Proposed Establishment of Colored Federal Airway; Alaska Eff May 7, 2009
Final Rule Bethel Class D & E Airspace Revision Eff March 12, 2009
Final Rule Ketchikan Class E Airspace Revision Eff March 12, 2009
Final Rule Toksook Bay Class E Airspace Revision Eff March 12, 2009
Final Rule Metlakatla Class E Airspace Revocation - Note Revocation - not revision Eff March 12, 2009
Final Rule Revision and Revocation to Compulsory Reporting Points; AK Eff November 20, 2008
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Badami Class E Airspace Revision Eff January 15, 2009
Final Rule - Correction Napakiak Class E Airspace Establishment Eff January 15, 2009
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Shageluk Class E Airspace Establishment Eff January 15, 2009
Final Rule Kwethluk Class E Airspace Establishment Eff January 15, 2009
Final Rule - Correction Ruby Class E Airspace Revision Eff January 15, 2009
Final Rule - Correction Red Dog Eff Sep 25, 2008
Final Rule Multi-Offshore Airspace Eff Jan 15, 2009
Final Rule Eek Eff Sep 25, 2008
Final Rule Kake Eff Sep 25, 2008
Final Rule Kivalina Eff Sep 25, 2008
Final Rule R2204 Eff Jul 31, 2008
Final Rule Deadhorse Eff Jul 31, 2008

Questions or Comments

11:32 am ET May 1, 2009