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Double Check
It's a fact that 67 percent of all aviation accidents in Alaska occur on take off or landing. Before you take off this summer, there are things you can do to increase your odds of a safer return. For starters, brush up your flying skills, have your aircraft inspected, and of course, before you fly be sure to check the weather, conduct a pre-flight inspection and file a flight plan.
Double check your skills
General aviation pilots, guides, corporate pilots and lodge operators can participate in the Medallion Flyer Program. This free program promotes safer flying in Alaska through increased awareness, prudent risk management and documented maintenance procedures. The Medallion Foundation also offers free flight simulator sessions in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau, in order for pilots to brush up on their skills prior to flying. To schedule your simulator session at any of these locations, call (907) 743-8050 or go to www.medallionfoundation.org for more details.

Certified flight instructors are also available to assist pilots and to practice essential skills for flying in Alaska. For more information call the FAA at (907) 271-5514.
Double check your aircraft
The FAA offers many safety seminars to aid pilots in caring for and maintaining their aircraft. FAA inspectors are often available to check out an aircraft, free of charge. Aircraft inspections are especially crucial after a long winter or an extended period of inactivity. Contact the FAA to arrange your aircraft inspection at (907) 271-5514.
Are you prepared?
Is your aircraft properly maintained and prepared?
Is your flight planned and filed?
Have you checked the weather?
Updated: 9:00 am ET July 13, 2006
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