USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Programs and Projects


Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

Photo of Susan Cordell
Susan Cordell
Plant Physiological Ecologist
Employee E-mail Address Image
Phone: (808) 933-8121 ex 17

Pacific Southwest Research Station
Intstitute of Pacific Islands Forestry

60 Nowelo Street
Hilo, HI 96720

Ph: (808) 933-8121
Fx: (808) 933-8120

B.A. Aquatic Biology, 1987, University of California, Santa Barbara
M.S. Botany, 1996, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Ph.D. Botany, 1999, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Research Interests/Duties
Ecophysiology, Restoration Ecology, Functional Ecology, Tropical Dry Ecosystems, Grass Invasions, Hawaiian Ecosystems

Current Emphases, Studies, Projects
Ecosystem level impacts of invasive grasses on Hawaiian dry forest ecosystems.

Mechanisms by which fountain grass limits Hawaiian dry forest native plant establishment and growth by manipulating fountain grass, available water, and available light separately and in concert.

Functional ecology and phenology of dry forest canopy trees

Investigating the role that native plant reforestation plays in reducing fine fuel load hazards and reversing the cumulative adverse ecosystem level effects of monotypic stands of invasive grasses in leeward Hawaii

Impacts of invasive species on lowland forest ecosystem processes, specifically, rainfall interception, plant water use and acquisition, light availability and plant productivity.

Selected Publications
Cordell, S.,R. J. Cabin, and L. J. Hadway. 2002. Physiological ecology of native and alien dry forest shrubs in Hawaii. Biological Invasions 4:387-396

Cabin, R. J., S. G. Weller, D. H. Lorence, S. Cordell, L. J. Hadway, R. Montgomery, D. Goo, and A. Urakami. 2002. Effects of light availability, alien grass control, and native species additions on the restoration of a degraded tropical dry forest in Hawai`i. Ecological Applications 12:1595-1610

Cordell, S. 2002. Outplanting at Ka’upulehu; Restoring Native Hawaiian Dry Forests. Hawaii Landscape: 6: 12-13

Cordell, S., R.J. Cabin, S.G. Weller, D.H Lorence. 2002 Simple and Cost-Effective Methods Control Fountain Grass in Dry Forests (Hawaii). Ecological Restoration: 20: 139-140

Cabin, R.J., S.G. Weller, D.H. Lorence, S. Cordell, and L.J Hadway. 2002 Effects of microsite, water, weeding and direct seeding on the regeneration of native and alien species within a Hawaiian dry forest preserve. Biological Conservation: 104: 181-190

Cordell, S., G. Goldstein, F.C Meinzer, and P.M Vitousek. 2001 Regulation of leaf life-span and nutrient-use efficiency of Metrosideros polymorpha in N and P limited Hawaiian forests. Oecologia: 127: 198-206

Cordell, S., G. Goldstein, F.C Meinzer, and P.M Vitousek. 2001 Morphological versus physiological adjustment to N and P fertilization in Metrosideros polymorpha canopy trees in Hawaii.Tree Physiology: 21: 43-50

Cordell, S., G. Goldstein, F.C Meinzer, and L.L Handley. 1999 Allocation of nitrogen and carbon in leaves of Metrosideros polymorpha regulates carboxylation capacity and d13C along an altitudinal gradient. Functional Ecology: 13: 811-818

Cordell, S., G. Goldstein. 1999 Light distribution and photosynthesis of Metrosideros polymorpha dominated forests at both ends of a nutrient and substrate age gradient in Hawaii. Selbyana 20: 350-356

Cordell, S., G. Goldstein, D. Mueller-Dombois, D. Webb, and P.M. Vitousek. 1998 Physiological and morphological variation in Metrosideros polymorpha, a dominant Hawaiian tree species: The role of phenotypic plasticity. Oecologia 113: 188-196
Last Modified: Mar 2, 2007 06:49:23 PM