Forest ThreatForest Threat Viewing Tool

The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC) recently launched its forest threats summary viewer for viewing maps and summary information on key threats in the Eastern U.S. The tool was developed in partnership with the University of North Carolina Asheville's National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC).

See the press release in Science Daily.

The Web viewer allows searches by threat or state, and threats are classified into invasive plants, insects and diseases, loss of open space, climate change, and wildland fire. the site also provides linkages to other federal, state, and local resources that offer additional in depth information.

The tool is available at the EFETAC's Web site.

Wildfire ToolsWildfire Tools

ArcFuels for Fuel Treatment Planning

ArcFuels is a library of ArcGIS macros that facilitates the application of models like FlamMap and FVS for developing and testing fuel treatment scenarios at the stand and landscape scale. The macros provide data linkages between fire models and desktop database and spreadsheet software. ArcFuels automates much of the data manipulation in the SPOT and Fireshed planning process used by the Forest Service to design fuel treatment projects, allowing for rapid design and evaluation of fuel management scenarios. ArcFuels integrates GIS analyses with spatial analyses for fuel treatment planning. The library is distributed as an ArcMap project file (.mxd) and is implemented on custom toolbars on the ArcMap interface.

EMDS Web site: www.institute.redlands.edu/emds

See more about ArcFuels


Fire Modeling Institute at the Missoula Fire Lab

The Fire Modeling Institute at the Missoula Fire Laboratory maintains an extensive set of links to wildfire modeling tools and documentation.

Fire Modeling Institute Web site


Geospatial Task Group (GTG) Web site and Clearinghouse

The GTG Web site is a coordinated point of contact on the use of geospatial data and applications in support of wildland fire management. The GTG supports wildland fire activities and advises on wildland fire geospatial data standards, and provides a forum for sharing geospatial technology in wildland fire management.

GTG Web site


FRAMES: Technology in Support of Wildland Fire Research and Management

"Information needed to support fire management will be developed through an integrated interagency fire science program. Scientific results must be made available to managers in a timely manner and must be used in the development of land management plans, fire management plans, and implementation plans." [National Fire & Aviation Executive Board, Task Group Briefing Paper #1 (September 2004)]

FRAMES Web site

Climate Change ToolsClimate Change

World Resources Institute (WRI) Climate Analysis Indicators Tool

The Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) by WRI is a set of comprehensive and comparable greenhouse gas inventories, together with other climate-relevant indicators. CAIT can be used to analyze a wide range of climate-related data questions and help support policy decisionmaking and discussions under the climate convention and in other forums.

Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT)


Carbon Inventory, Management and Reporting

Accurate estimates of carbon in forests are crucial for forest carbon management, carbon credit trading, national reporting of greenhouse gas inventories to the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change, calculating estimates for the Montreal Process criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and registering forest-related activities for the national 1605(b) Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program and other greenhouse gas registries for States and regions.  

The following tools are currently available:



Insects and Disease ToolsInsects and Disease

National pest risk map from the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team

Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team has many products including: national pest risk map and national forest pest survey maps. Also visit the WWETAC Maps page.


North American Forest Commission Exotic Forest Pest Information System (NAFC-ExFor).

Welcome to the North American Forest Commission Exotic Forest Pest Information System (NAFC-ExFor). Anyone is welcome to use the ExFor site and to view the information contained within the database. To prepare or review a pest record, you must become a registered user of the system. To become a registered user, please fill out the


WWETAC Project with the the GMWEST Model

The GMWest was specifically developed to evaluate the risk of establishment for detected gypsy moth introductions in the state of Utah, although from the beginning we envisioned a risk assessment system that would be applicable to all portions of the Western United States. System development first required acquiring a variety of databases regarding landscape features, vegetation, and weather/climate variables. Next, "probability of establishment" maps were produced using weather and climate variables from the database as input to a validated gypsy moth phenology model. A "hazard of establishment" map layer was produced that could be combined using GIS with other layers in the database (host distribution, land use, demographic, topographic and transportation) to produce a "risk of establishment" map. As GMWest produces geo-referenced data layers that are combined and manipulated by a GIS, the system is extremely flexible and adaptable.

GMWEST project funded by WWETAC


Invasive Weeds: A Crook County GIS and WWETAC Project

Web: http://gis.co.crook.or.us/wwetac/

Invasive Plants ToolsInvasive plants

The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC)

The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) was established in 2005 at the National Agricultural Library to meet the information needs of users including the National Invasive Species Council (Council). NISIC creates and manages the www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov Web site. The Web site serves as a reference gateway to information, organizations, and services about invasive species.

National Invasive species Information Center Web site