Welcome to Indians.org

The American Indian Heritage Foundation was establised in 1973 to provide relief services to Indian people nationwide and to build bridges of understanding and friendship between Indian and non-Indian people. Through informative materials, special events, cultural sharing opportunities and this website, we have reached multiplied millions with positive and proper representations of contemporary Indian culture as well as preservation of the old and treasured.

Most visitors to Indians.org come to learn more about the American Indian and ultimately themselves through our Resource Directory comprised of the following categories:

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American Indian Articles

Indigenous Peoples' Literature

United Methodists stand with Standing Rock

Native people from over 250 tribes throughout the world have gathered at the Oceti Sakowin camp near Cannon Ball, ND. The camp on the land of the Standing Rock nation was peaceful and hopeful the day after a federal judge issued an opinion rejecting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's efforts to stop construction of the crude oil pipeline that would run from North Dakota to Illinois. General Secretary Susan Henry-Crowe and Assistant General Secretary John Hill for the Board of Church and Society, arrived Thursday, September 8 at Standing Rock. Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop of the Dakotas-Minnesota Area, traveled to the site of the large camp to make connections and gain understanding. “This has been a great week for the United Methodist presence,” said Rev. David Wilson, Oklahoma Missionary Conference, who has journeyed to the Oceti Sakowin camp twice.

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