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EPA On-line Tools for Site Assessment Calculation

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On-Site Models

Fuel Source Model

The fuel source model assumes that there is a "lens" of fuel in contact with the water table. The fuel is subject to leaching from aquifer recharge, flow through a smear zone and ground water flow below the lens.
Fuel Source Model Conceptualization
Fuel Source Model Conceptualization

The model includes each of these mechanisms of leaching, followed by one-dimensional transport in the aquifer. The aquifer model includes advection, dispersion, sorption and first order loss. All the intermediate and preliminary calculations needed for using the On-Site fuel (light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL)) source model are self contained in the calculator.

Pulse Source Concentration Model

If contamination concentrations from a fuel can be treated as a constant, the On-Site pulse source calculator can be used with a specified concentration. The calculator is self contained when the source concentration is known, or the effective solubility calculator can be used to estimate the aquifer concentration resulting from a zone that is contaminanted by fuel.
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