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Title 38

Mining and Gas and Oil Production
Chapter Chapter Name
38-01 General Provisions
38-02 Lode and Mining Claims
38-03 State Coal Mine Inspector [Repealed]
38-04 Licensing Coal Mines [Repealed]
38-05 Mine Foreman Examination and Qualifications [Repealed]
38-06 Health and Safety in Mines [Repealed]
38-07 Surveys or Maps of Mines [Repealed]
38-08 Control of Gas and Oil Resources
38-08.1 Geophysical Exploration Requirements
38-09 Exploration and Production on Publicly Owned Lands
38-10 Sales and Leases by Personal Representatives
38-11 Lease of Minerals on Public Lands
38-11.1 Oil and Gas Production Damage Compensation
38-11.2 Subsurface Exploration Damages
38-12 Regulation, Development, and Production of Subsurface Minerals
38-12.1 Exploration Data
38-13 Oil and Gas Instruments - Interests of Absent Persons [Repealed]
38-13.1 Trusts for Unlocatable Mineral Owners
38-14 Reclamation of Surface-Mined Lands [Repealed]
38-14.1 Surface Mining and Reclamation Operations
38-14.2 Abandoned Surface Mine Reclamation
38-14.3 Surface Mining and Reclamation Bond Fund
38-15 Resolution of Conflicts in Subsurface Mineral Production
38-16 Surface Mining Reports
38-17 Coal Leasing Practices Act
38-18 Surface Owner Protection Act
38-18.1 Termination of Mineral Interest
38-18.2 Tenneco Plant Compact [Repealed]
38-19 Geothermal Resource Development Regulation
38-20 Interstate Mining Compact
38-21 Exploration Fund
38-22 Carbon Dioxide Underground Storage

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