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  • Honoring Holocaust survivors' courage (The News Journal)
    Apr 22, 2009  - By J.L. MILLER The News Journal WILMINGTON -- Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Holocaust is a "pretext" for Israeli aggression against the Palestinians. Wilmington Mayor James M. Baker says Ahmadinejad is "an idiot." New Castle County Executive Chris Coons calls Ahmadinejad o... More
  • Teach Children to Save Day (The News Journal)
    Apr 22, 2009  - Contributed by the Delaware Bankers Association Governor Jack Markell will proclaim the week of April 27th “Delaware Teach Children to Save Week” in a ceremony to be held on Monday, April 27th at 1:00 p.m. at the Highlands Elementary School, 2100 Gilpin Avenue, Wilmington, DE. The proclamation wi... More
  • Del. bankers: 'We're open for business' (WDEL)
    Apr 20, 2009  - By Mellany Armstrong Delaware bankers say they have the loans if you want to buy a home or a car. The heads of three local banks -- PNC, WSFS and Delaware National -- joined Congressman Castle and Senator Carper to say in these difficult financial times, Delaware banks are a bright spot with g... More
  • Del. officials must stay focused on mission ahead with BRAC (The News Journal)
    Apr 19, 2009  - It was an obscure, almost throw-away paragraph at the end of a recent newspaper article: "Busloads of Fort Monmouth [N.J.] workers are scheduled to visit Newark for a tour of the city June 6." That would be Newark as in Delaware, not New Jersey, and the folks from Fort Monmouth are looking for pl... More
  • Revised guidelines limit stem-cell tests (The News Journal/AP)
    Apr 18, 2009  - Only those fated for destruction are usable By LAURAN NEERGAARD Associated Press WASHINGTON -- When President Barack Obama eased limits on federally funded embryonic stem-cell research, the big question became how far scientists could go. Friday, the government answered: They must use cells c... More
  • Some AIG bonus cash to be returned (The News Journal)
    Mar 19, 2009  - By JIM PUZZANGHERALos Angeles Times WASHINGTON -- The embattled chief executive of American International Group told a congressional subcommittee Wednesday that he had asked employees who received more than $100,000 in retention bonuses to return at least half in response to public outrage over the... More
  • Castle eyes human cloning ban (The News Journal)
    Mar 18, 2009  - Rep. Mike Castle said he may take on the issue of human cloning as he and Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado consider their next legislative move on stem cell research. President Barack Obama issued an executive order March 9 lifting former President George W. Bush's ban on federal funding for embryoni... More
  • Del. Does More, but Food Bank's needs never stop (The News Journal)
    Mar 14, 2009  - By ANGIE BASIOUNYThe News Journal Delaware needs to keep doing more. That was the message Friday from organizers of the wildly successful Delaware Does More campaign, a four-month blitz of giving that brought in higher-than-hoped-for donations of food and money to help those suffering most from th... More
  • Del. delegation pushes for wind energy plans (The News Journal)
    Mar 13, 2009  - Delaware's congressional delegation were part of a group of House and Senate members who on Thursday urged administration officials to quickly develop regulations for offshore energy production to allow more wind energy projects, such as Bluewater Wind's planned wind farm off Rehoboth Beach. Democr... More
  • Health Care Factions Loom on Hill (CQ)
    Mar 13, 2009  - By Alex Wayne, CQ Staff The legislation that will become President Obama’s health care overhaul has yet to be introduced, and Obama himself has provided only a rough outline of how the plan should look. Yet it is already possible to discern multiple factions forming within Congress. The bulk of De... More
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