Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft Office and VBA - Code Signing from VeriSign, Inc.

Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft Office and VBA

Microsoft Office logoMicrosoft VB logo

For developers and software publishers of Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) macro projects, code signing reduces error messages and builds trust in your reputation. VeriSign® Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft® Office and VBA authenticate your identity and validate code integrity.

  • Digitally sign Microsoft VBA Macros for Microsoft Office
  • Show customers that your code and content is safe to download
  • Protect your brand and your reputation with a trusted digital signature
  • Reduce the cost of maintaining code with a free timestamp

Buy Code Signing Certificates
Validity Period

Choose a multi-year validity period to save time and money. Multi-year certificates require fewer renewals and offer per year discounts: $431 per year for a 3-year certificate or $447 per year for a 2-year certificate.

1 Year

Choose a multi-year validity period to save time and money. Multi-year certificates require fewer renewals and offer per year discounts: $431 per year for a 3-year certificate or $447 per year for a 2-year certificate.

2 Year

Choose a multi-year validity period to save time and money. Multi-year certificates require fewer renewals and offer per year discounts: $431 per year for a 3-year certificate or $447 per year for a 2-year certificate.

Save over $100
3 Year

Choose a multi-year validity period to save time and money. Multi-year certificates require fewer renewals and offer per year discounts: $431 per year for a 3-year certificate or $447 per year for a 2-year certificate.

Save over $200
Enrollment Process
Enrollment Requirements: Internet Explorer® 5.0 or greater.

Digital Shrink Wrap to Protect Your Brand

VeriSign® Code Signing Certificates provide a virtual "shrink wrap" for secure delivery of content over the Internet. When customers encounter add-ins, templates or other VBA macros digitally signed and verified by VeriSign, they can be assured of the content source and the content integrity. Code Signing adds a level of trust to your applications and makes them harder to falsify or damage, protecting your brand and your intellectual property. Learn more: 5 Reasons for Code Signing.

Increase Customer Confidence with Fewer Security Warnings

When Microsoft Office and other programs encounter VBA macros, the programs look for a digital signature from a trusted source. Depending on the software version and individual security settings, the program may interrupt the user with a security warning or simply fail to load the macro. To prevent disruption, publishers who use add-ins, macros, and other executables should sign their code using a VeriSign Code Signing Certificate for Microsoft VBA and Office. Learn more: How Code Signing Works.

Make the Most of Your Code Signing Investment

With VeriSign Code Signing Certificates, developers select a platform, a validity period and install the certificate on their desktop or a portable device such as a USB drive. A timestamp option shows when code was signed, allowing customers to verify that the code signing certificate was valid at the time of the digital signature. VeriSign is a trusted provider of digital certificates for Microsoft Windows® Logo programs. Learn more about Code Signing for Microsoft Developers.

The Leader in Online Trust and Security

VeriSign supports more platforms than any other code signing provider with the most reliable infrastructure and the most trusted security brand on the Internet (Tec-Ed Whitepaper, PDF, Oct. 2007). Because VeriSign root certificates come preinstalled on most end users’ devices and embedded in most applications, the digital signature authentication and verification process is seamless and transparent to most end users. Learn more: Why VeriSign?

Need More Info?
Call 866-893-6565 or 650-426-5112 Request information online.
Watch the Code Signing demo
Learn more about VeriSign® Code Signing for Adobe® AIR™