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Enclosure 2
Comparison between studies initiated by the Department of the Interior on the Kennewick human remains and those requested and recommended by Plaintiffs (Bonnichsen et al. v. United States).


Plaintiffs' / Experts' Recommended Studies DOI's / Experts' Completed Studies
1. Metric Analyses - measurements to be taken of the following regions: 1. Metric Analyses - measurements were taken by J. Powell and J. Rose from the following regions:
  1. Skull
  2. Postcranial Bones - to ascertain body proportions
  3. Dentition
  1. Skull
  2. Postcranial Bones
  3. Dentition
- Specially designed measurement protocols have been developed by the following individuals: - Protocols/Methods designed by the following individuals were used:
  1. C. L. Brace (skeleton)
  2. G. W. Gill (skeleton)
  3. R. Jantz and D. Owsley (skeleton)
  4. J. Powell (dental & skeleton)
  5. D. G. Steele (skeleton)-
  1. D. G. Steele (skeleton)
  2. J. Powell (dental & skeleton)
  3. Brace and Hunt
  4. Turner et al.
  5. T. Holiday
  6. Gill and Rhine
  7. Bass
  8. Martin and Saller
  9. Buikstra and Ubelaker
-Measurements will be compared to unique databases developed by the following individuals: - Measurements were compared to the following databases/descriptions:
  1. R. Jantz and D. Owsley (includes W.W. Howells database)
  2. D. G. Steele and J. Powell
  3. C. L. Brace
  1. W. W. Howells (skeletal)
  2. Hanihara (skeletal)
  3. Wolpoff (dental)
  4. J. Powell (dental)
  5. T. Holiday
2. Discrete Trait Analyses - examining and recording traits from the following areas: 2. Discrete Trait Analyses - traits were examined and recorded by J. Powell and J. Rose from the following areas:
  1. Skull
  2. Postcranial Skeleton
  3. Dentition
  1. Skull
  2. Postcranial Bones
  3. Dentition
- Presence/Absence of traits will be compared to unique databases developed by the following individuals: - Presence/Absence of traits were compared to the following databases/descriptions:
  1. D. G. Steele
  2. J. Powell
  3. C. Turner
  1. C. Turner
  2. deStefano and Hauser
  3. Ossenberg
  4. J. Powell
3. Taphonomy / Paleopathology / Health & Lifestyle - 3. Taphonomy / Paleopathology / Health & Lifestyle
D. Owsley and Team of Specialists
R. Jantz and other Plaintiffs
Other Scientists
- conducted by J. Powell and J. Rose between February 25 and March 1, 1999. Also by J. Powell, Philip Walker, and Clark Larsen between April 24-26, 2000.
4. Image Record - 4. Image Record - conducted for 1st [Feb. 25-March 1, 1999] and 2nd [April 24-26, 2000] exams:
  1. 35mm color slides and black and white photographsof the cranium and postcranial skeleton.
  2. Digital photographs for three dimensional computer models.
  3. X-rays of the Cranium and postcranial skeleton (including dental).
  4. Cross-sectional CAT scans of the cranium and postcranial skeleton.
  1. Radiographs (X-rays) - cranium and postcranial skeleton - 1st exam.
  2. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) - cranium and postcranial skeletal elements (cross sections - digital imaging) - 1st exam.
  3. 35mm Film - reconstructed skull was photographed 1st exam.
  4. 35mm Film - taken of skeletal elements by J. Powell, Philip Walker, and Clark Larsen between April 24-26, 2000, for taphonomic study - 2nd exam.
5. DNA Extraction / Analysis- 5. DNA Extraction/Analysis - Pending [David G. Smith - UC-Davis, Andrew Meriwhether - U. Michigan, and Frederika Kaestle - Yale] - mitochondrial (mtDNA) and Y chromosome analysis.
6. Radiocarbon - AMS+
  1. Thomas Stafford (AMS + multiple fraction analysis)
  2. R. E. Taylor (AMS)
6. Radiocarbon - Conducted by U.C. Riverside, Beta Analytic, and U. Arizona (All AMS C14).
7. Collagen Analysis - 7. Collagen Analysis- Conducted by R. E. Taylor, U.C. Riverside and Beta Analytic.
8. Isotopic Analysis - 8. Isotopic Analysis - Conducted by R. E. Taylor, U.C. Riverside and Beta Analytic.
9. Antibody Studies - 9. Antibody Studies - Not Conducted
10. Section Analysis-Dental - 10. Section Analysis-Dental - Not Conducted
11. Bone Histology - 11. Bone Histology - Not Conducted
12. Casts/Molds - (Cranium / Dental) 12. Casts/Molds - Virtual Cast was produced by CAT scan / digital imaging during 1st exam conducted between Feb. 25-March 1, 1999. Bone surface casts taken during 2nd exam between April 24-26, 2000.
13. Phytolith Recovery - 13. Phytolith Recovery - Not Conducted (J. Powell noted lack of calculus on teeth during 1st exam conducted between Feb. 25-March 1, 1999).
14. Detection and Analysis of Adhering Soil: D. Owsley and Team (Also for Taphonomic Study). 14. Detection and Analysis of Adhering Sediment (Skeletal) - Conducted by G. Huckleberry and J. Stein between Feb. 25-March 1, 1999:
  1. Site Stratigraphy Described.
  2. Skeletal Sediment Detected and Removed.
  3. Selection of Site Sediments for Comparison with Skeletal Sediments.
  4. Granulometry
  5. Thin-Section (Micromorphology) Analysis.
  6. Thermogravimetric Analysis.
  7. X-ray Diffraction.
  8. Trace-Element Analysis.
15. Further Study of the Discovery Site. 15. Further Study of the Discovery Site:
  1. D. Owsley and Team.
Recommended by G. Huckleberry and J. Stein.
16. Analysis of the Lithic Object Embedded in the Pelvis -to be conducted by: 16. Analysis of the Embedded Lithic Artifact - Conducted by J. Fagan:
  1. R. Bonnichsen.
  2. D. J. Stafford.
  3. D. Owsley.
  1. Visual Inspection.
  2. Artifact Description.
  3. X-rays and CAT Scans.
  4. Typological Assessment.
  5. Artifact Comparisons.
17. Skeletal Reconstruction 17. Skeletal Reconstruction -
  1. D. Owsley / Assistants
  2. David R. Hunt
Conducted by J. Powell and J. Rose between Feb. 25-March 1, 1999. Also conducted by J. Powell, Clark Larsen, and Philip Walker between April 24-26, 2000
18. Cultural Affiliation Studies
  1. Review of Archaeological Data - K. Ames
  2. Review of Traditional Historical & Ethnographic Information - D. Boxerger
  3. Review of Bio-Archaeological Information - S. Hackenberger
  4. Review of Linguistic Information - E. Hunn

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