National Park Service
Stones River National Battlefield photo:
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photo: Hazen Brigade Monument

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Cultural Resources


The stories of the Battle Stones River and its aftermath can be found beyond reports, letters and books. The battlefield itself contains a myriad of resources such as monuments and historic vistas that allow visitors to experience these stories with all of their senses.

Click on the links below to learn more about the cultural resources at Stones River National Battlefield.

Historic Structures
Cultural Landscapes
Museum Collection
Archeological Resources

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Historic Structures
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Archeological Resources
photo: Paul Laurence Dunbar, Orville Wright, and Wilbur Wright Did You Know?

The battle at Stones River claimed more than 23,500 casualties making it one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. Stones River National Battlefield stands today as a silent reminder of those individuals who lost their lives there.

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