Welcome to the 

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park's 

Virtual Museum


These are a few of the artifacts housed in the collections area of the park.  The park currently houses over 200,000 artifacts spanning the millenia of human occupation of Ohio, from the earliest Paleoindians to a somewhat more modern group, the soldiers of Camp Sherman.  Artifacts curated at the park have been recovered during excavations at local Hopewellian sites, such as Mound City, and have also been donated to the collections.


Only a couple of pictures have been placed in each Gallery so as to facilitate downloading.  The pictures contained on these pages may be used for educational purposes; however, please save the picture to your hard drive and do not link to these pages.  Thanks.


The Galleries:

Gallery 1 - Hopewell Classics

Gallery 2 - More Hopewell Classics 

Gallery 3 - Pottery

Gallery 4 - Pottery

Gallery 5 - Bifaces

Gallery 6 - Stone celts and gorgets

Gallery 7 - Historical artifacts